Latest News

When everything is up in the air we at least have some good communication from Games Workshop who will help keep us engaged in the hobby while we are locked down. After all just how much binge watching Netflix can we do?

via the Warhammer Community

Hey folks! Usually, we’d use this article to show you some lovely new stuff and hype you up about what’s coming next week. Well, we might not be releasing any models right now, but we’re still here for you, and there’s still loads to be excited about. First up, here’s Max with the headlines.

Warhammer Live

Running Hang Out and Hobby every weekday has been a stonking success – seeing hundreds of you join us is incredible, as we host the world’s biggest Warhammer night every evening, Monday to Friday. We’re keeping our weekly schedule going, PLUS we’re rolling out some brand-new shows to entertain you – and it’s still all free. NICE.

Articles Every Day

As well as Warhammer Live, we’re going to bring you new articles to read every day. We’ll be catching up on how some well-known hobbyists are holding up indoors, looking at collections from famed Warhammer luminaries, and keeping you up to date with the latest comics, Regimental Standards and what-have-yous.

99p Audiobooks

And if THAT’S not enough, we’re making a new audiobook available for 99p every Monday for the next few weeks! These limited offers are a great way to accompany your self-isolation painting, all available for a fraction of the price of the coffee you’re not currently able to buy anyway. Make sure to pick up Dan Abnett’s I Am Slaughter for yourself before it returns to its normal price, and stay tuned for a new audiobook tomorrow.

ANOTHER Warhammer Preview!
Yes! The online preview faucet is fully OPEN, and we can scarcely contain the tide of incredible new reveals. The Hype Train stops for no man, no law, and no virus. Next week, on the 4th of April, we’ll be following up from yesterday’s incredible Warhammer Preview Online with another one! It’s going to be mega.

And a New Model!
As we’ve shut down production at our factory to keep our staff safe, we know that many of you missed your chance to pick up Lieutenant Amulius at AdeptiCon this year. To help bring the full Warhammer Preview experience to you folks, we’re making this Space Marine hero available to everyone thanks to a special Made to Order event. You have until Friday 10th April to secure this exclusive miniature for yourself – once we’re back up and running, we’ll make it and ship it to you.

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