What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com Any and all comments welcome. …
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com Any and all comments welcome. …
The Looncurse boxset is available for pre-orders this coming weekend and now we have the prices alongside some Black Library items. Here is the latest... …
I tend to like these types of hints. This gives us at least a hint of opportunities that we will get in Looncurse. I really like the Sylvaneth side of this boxset for conversions and Im certain that the otherside might have some options for me as well. Below are two lists for a 2,000pt game. …
Today they are giving us a rather generic Rumour Engine.... which can translate to one of the most boring to date. I suppose we could guess off the handle? or the glove? At least we know there is a release of some kind in the future that has a melee weapon as an option. Most likely a hammer. Your t…
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com I’ve got a post for what on your table. …
There are some 40k rumors about that appear to be really out in left field but I thought we would share them here so that no one is blindsided about them...... …
Some new terrain is coming which I was rather excited to see. A little disappointed in these. I suppose you could really paint them up though, so maybe it's just the paint job in the pics that make it look like terrain I could buy at a fish store. …
OK, when will these be coming.... The Sisters of Battle are on the horizon and there is a lot of us that are just chomping at the bit to get more information.... …
Its here.... FAQs, Erratas, and any adjustments to the rules that you will need to know about. …
A reader review here for the cool Mortian Tank that we looked at few weeks ago. This is a great review and a look at a miniature that caught my eyes and may end up in my arsenal.... I mean seriously.... look at all those bits and options. If you have a review you would like to submit..... shoot the…
Looncurse is coming this weekend with some pretty sick miniatures in it. I am waiting to get the prices this morning, but its looking like a cool box set that could really work for some of my armies (there is a lot of conversion pieces I want in this). …
Here it is.... This was just found.... Looks like a big nerf bat was brought out. Take a look yourself. Here are the latest rules for the Ynnari Index that is coming in the May White Dwarf. …
There are some very excellent miniatures in this box set. I personally just want this new Sylvaneth Hero, the Arch-Revenant. Very exciting and I want these even though I play neither army. …
The forces of Slaanesh are here and up for pre-orders now. Inside each new miniature will be rules to be used with Warhammer 40,000 making this weekend an excellent weekend for both the Age of Sigmar and 40k. …
These are right up with the awesomeness I expect out of Raging Heroes. Queen Taipahn is just a great looking sculpt. (make certain you scroll down to see a larger image.) These are new miniatures for the Lust Elves range for both Fantasy and Sci-fi. …
These are still very vague except for the Dark Angels section of this, but these rumors have Dark Angels coming in a future boxset faced off against what may just be another Imperial Force of some kind. The big part of this is the Primaris Dark Angel HQ in the box. …
Want to walk into the Mirrored city? Coming soon is a new video game that will take you into that world. Here is the announcement and how you can take a look at it early before it's release. …
Today we get some insight into the design of the new Slaanesh Miniatures that are up for pre-orders tomorrow. Lets get into the latest... …
The Chaos Warhound Scout Titan is here. Don't miss the pics from the cockpit. …
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com I just finished a big project of mine that might be worth sharing.Took me a year and a half to complete. The majority of the infantry is models from Mad Robot miniatures. Some GW, conversions and Forge world. …
Here is something I found that will help get a look at what will be inside the new Battletome Hedonites of Slaanesh. Here are the latest details now circulating around the web. …
Here is the sprue for the Keeper of Secrets!!!! Take a look at what is going to be in the box.…
Lots of new models coming for Slaanesh this weekend including 3 new endless spells and the Fane of Slaanesh. Lets take a look at them. …
Mad Robot has a sale going on starting today for all the miniatures and bits. Mad Robot is one of my favorites with all the head/weapon/body options you can get there. Check them out. https://madrobotminiatures.com/…
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com I’ve printed large redwood trees for terrain also. The bases allow for determining if you’re in cover or not. I’ve also printed fallen trees and berms. …
The Emperors Children are infamous for their Noise Marines dedicated fully to the thralls of Slaanesh (who happens to be a big topic this week). I used to do a lot of these faction articles where I looked at the artwork and or discussed the factions. I used to do these on Fridays, but I I am thinki…
With new Slaanesh models coming out this weekend (pre-orders) it was time for some lore and background on the new characters. Here is the latest. …
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com Recently took my slow grow Genestealer Cult out for a spin and grabbed some photos to see how they looked, thought I may share and see what you guys think! …
Another great video from Games Workshop giving us more interesting teasers of the big paint releases coming soon.…
Previews of the rules for the new Slaanesh models are up giving us a look into how they will do for both 40k and the Age of Sigmar. …
New Terrain has been spotted from a US Customs sheet. …
A decent teaser this time around with what could be two tails, two tentacles, arms or other....... Anu guesses? via the Warhammer Community …
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com Hi there! I previously submitted an Imperial knight and a Kaldor Draigo model to the What's on your table Thanksgiving/Christmas event. Thanks for posting it! I'm not sure if you'd post these on your spot, but I …
The Chaos Warhound Titan is one of the first Titans I saw way back in my early days of tabletop wargaming. Its coming back and will be ready for warhammer 40k. That is awesome and is well within reason (financially.... its not a Warlord) to get for your upcoming games. Very exciting. …
Slaanesh is coming to pre-orders this weekend and we have the full list with pricing for you. So far I have both the UK and EU pricing, and will hopefully have more here shortly!!! …
The Hedonites of Slaanesh army is coming this weekend and there is a good preview of what to expect for the new Battletome. …
The Ynnari are getting an Index update with some new rules for including character datasheets, new stratagems and Warlord Traits. This is the biggest highlight in there, so check it out the preview below. …
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com Ezekyle Abaddon... i don't have to say any more 🤣 …
Now that topped off my morning with some very cool miniatures from Games Workshop going to pre-orders next weekend. Some of these are on my list to pick up. Very excited. …
Its one of those things that we all do in some dark alley, behind the house, in the garage, or any other place we can really get away with it....... …
There are a bunch of new pre-orders for the Adeptus Titanicus, Nightvault, and even for the Middle Earth Strategy Game. Highlights include the Adeptus Titanicus: The Horus Heresy Grand Master Edition... as a Last Chance to Buy item and the Doom of Molech expansion. On the Nightvault side of things …
New Sisters from Raging Heroes are now available. As always the poses are dynamic as ever and full of action ready for the table. …
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com My current project I hope you guys enjoy. For more Photos and Painting follows my FB and Instagram …
Two new weapons from Forgeworld for your Warlord Titan are out today. Plus don't forget the Doom of Molech comes tomorrow for pre-orders! Its a big Adeptus Titanicus weekend. …
New cards are coming to Nightvault with this weekends pre-orders. Here is a look at the top 10 as decided by the Warhammer Community …
Dry brushing is one of those techniques that I use probably a lot more than I should (I love dry brushing). I will tell you one thing though... I burn through those brushes. Here is something that is peaking my interest though..... the new Artis Opus- Series D Brush Set, specifically designed for d…
Mierce Miniatures has a big 25% off just about all their miniatures. This is a good time to pick some of their models up and it runs through Monday. I know I did a review on some of their miniatures yesterday... Link here http://natfka.blogspot.com/2019/04/savrar-warriors-review-great-lizard-men.h…
Full of cool artwork we have a good look into the Slaanesh here. One of those mysterious Gods of Chaos, Slaanesh has been one of rumor and conjecture since the inception of the Age of Sigmar. While I am looking more towards 40k, there is quite a bit of good information here. …
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com I just finished assembling my "new" possessed models! All the height in the new chaos marine kit is in the legs and torso, so when you combine those (and the new, more detailed pauldrons) with possessed arms, he…
There are three models that are not yet released but I am assuming that they are on their way very soon from Mierce Miniatures. These are actually a friend of mine's miniatures that he is collecting for his Genesys Project army (Reptilia). I know he bought them just recently. …