Raging Heroes is hands down the place to go when your looking for Female Miniatures. The Toughest Girls in the Galaxy line of up is crazy good with lots of options for almost any army you are looking to fill in.
Raging Heroes has sent us their Exemplar Sisters Command Boxset for review and one of their special Heroines to Giveaway....Sol-Sarya, Priestess of the Sun of Thorns.
from the Raging Heroes Site
Exemplar Sisters Command Group
These 5 Multiparts Models are all different from each other. All parts are swappable with ball-joint assembly for infinite customisation.
Box includes
5 helmeted heads
4 hooded heads
1 officer head
Box also contains accessories to make
1 officer, with Sword and Pistol
1 Banner Bearer
and 3 Weapons Specialists
with 1 Fusion Gun
with 1 Flame Thrower
with 1 Heavy Submachine Gun
Chicken Soup and Disasters During Assembly
So while we are talking parts...... I have a chicken soup story. Yea... thats right Chicken Soup.
Literally I was assembling the officer and of course next to my work station I was having lunch, Chicken Soup. Not quite certain what happened, but with glue already applied the torso decided to fly and leap out of my hands and take a dive into the soup. Thank you Raging Heroes for the extra torso in the pack! It quite literally fused together either potato/chicken/celery. I was devastated, but soup does happen.
Lets take a look at the Sprues and what comes in the box.
The Sprues
Even though you can customize these miniatures a lot, I like to keep things organized
Also in the box are instructions on how to handle the resin. I greatly appreciate these so here is a pic of them.
I totally suggest following these instructions as it makes assembly and painting a breeze.
The other suggestion I have, which I did not do this time around as I have already went through putting together miniatures from Raging Heroes in the past is their help videos on exactly how to do this.
You can see these technical tips here
Now we get to take a look at the Minis.
I might want to add in here that the Chicken Soup incident occurred here during assembly. Im going to blame my old blades and my old clunky glue bottle for the flying torso. (neither of which was in my hands at the time.)
Ive talked about this before, but some of the features I love about the Raging Heroes miniatures is the flexibility when putting them together to create different layouts. Raging Heroes only sells a single troops box and command box for each army they put out, but its plenty to mix and match, and really customize how you want your minis laid out.
Now...Options....... Hoods or Helms....... Yep, you get to go with either for your miniatures in this box set, and since I am not putting together a 40k Battle Sisters army, I went with the helms. The interesting thing about this is that the helms they use really allow this box set to be very flexible on what army you want them to go with. A friend of mine was over looking at the box sets and he just flat out said he was not interested in Sisters of Battle, but definitely would use these for his Dark Eldar.
I'm almost curious if a third head was put in, what other options these boxsets could be used for, and what that head would be.
So I went with the helms and with no helm for the Officer. A helm (actually two I think) is included for her.
So assembly goes quite smooth with miniatures from Raging Heroes. There is none of the parts not fitting correctly. These ladies will definitely find their to my painting table.... which is a little behind atm. We will be following up with these miniatures as I get some paint on them.
Lets take a closer look at the minis
The Detail and options for Raging Heroes is really amazing. I tend to spend a little extra time with these miniatures, but its due to the quality of the sculpts and how I want them to turn out. The sculpts are full of movement, grace, and a ton of detail
Once again I am envy of the time I don't have today to start painting these.
Of course we cant really get into the minis without a size comparison for some other miniatures..... of course some details.

Raging Heroes sent a miniature to also giveaway! The Priestess Sol-Sarya can be yours.
Now to get a chance to win this model.... All you have to do is mention at the bottom how you would be using this model. What game system, army or event would you like to put this model into if you win it.
To win the giveaway.. sorry there is only one miniature to give away right now, all you have to do is comment below on this article (only once please, duplicates will be removed), and a winner will be selected randomly Sunday Evening, August 12th, at 10pm PST (Pacific Standard Time). As long as you have a physical address that I can ship it to, you qualify to enter. Yes, the shipping is free to you. I do not take responsibility for postal problems or losses. The item will ship Monday or Tuesday, so you will get it rather quickly.
I will be notifying the winner by email using the account you are using for disqus.
Raging Heroes