Quick update on a technical glitch on the side of NOCF this morning at launch of the Charity Raffle for Doctors Without Borders. I have been told it that it is fixed and up and running, although this morning I have not had the chance yet to check.

This is a limited and great opportunity to win a good sized army for Dark Age painted by none other than Dave Taylor himself.

You can't win if you don't get a couple raffle tickets.
Here are the links you need.

Previous article and more details about the raffle

A little Housekeeping......
Been a little under the weather the last bit with injuries, broken bones, a dislocation, and bruised ribs. The good news is that except for a broken finger and the bruised ribs I am almost back to full strength again.

Certain things like the Faeit 212 App and Genesys have been on ice (well slowed down some). These things are moving ahead now and you will see updates on the site very soon (possibly this weekend).

If you get a chance, please head over to the NOCF site and check out the Charity Auction for the Dave Taylor miniatures.

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