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Looking deeper into the mechanics of the Genesys Project we look at just how important gaining the advantage over your opponent is during the Combat Situation.

The Combat Situation is a part of the combat mechanics where all the in game situational bonuses are tallied up for both sides of the attack,whether it be ranged or melee combat. Bonuses include and are not limited to Outnumbering your opponent, having the High Ground, having a High Strength, charging, or even being in cover.

The bonuses for each side are added up and compared to each other with only the highest set of bonuses granting a bonus equal to the difference between the two sides. For example the Encryptor Guardians adding up their total and getting a +3 bonus and their opponents adding up their combat situation to a +1. This would give the Encryptors a +2 Enhancement to their die rolls for the combat since they have the advantage.

The combat situation is limited to the Maximum Age bonus, which starts are +4 for the 1st Age. Of course you really need to be pushing hard to get these bonuses. This makes the combat in the Genesys Project very dynamic and important.

Here is an example of a ranged combat where 3 Encryptor Marksmen with Crossbows are firing from an elevated position on some soldiers charging across the battlefield.

The Encryptors player activates the squad and quickly totals up his Combat Situation. He gets the following bonuses for Ranged Combat

  • High Ground 1
  • Remaining Stationary 2 (Crossbows gain an additional +1 for being stationary)

This totals up to a Combat Situation of 3

The enemy is moving quickly across the battlefield. They are unnaturally fast moving Demon Fey who previously moved 14" and are running through some light terrain granting them cover since over half of their squad is partially covered.

the Demon Fey receive the following Combat Situation bonuses against the ranged combat.

  • Evasion 2 (moving over 12" grants a +2 movement bonus)
  • Soft Cover 1 (the bushes on the terrain is providing light cover)

This totals up the Combat Situation to 3

Since neither side has the advantage for the combat, neither side will get any Enhancements to add to their die rolls. If they did it would simply apply to the attackers die rolls to hit, or the defenders saves against the hits.

Now there are other options as well for both players. For example you may use coordinated attacks where you sacrifice models attacks in your squad to give the rest of the squad another bonus for the combat situation. Or perhaps the defenders decided to use up the squads action to dive for cover from a ranged attack granting them an additional +1 to their combat situation.

In Melee Combat the situation can even get more intense, as you may select Offensive or Defensive Enhancements during a Melee Combat activation to get your Combat Situation bonuses from. This decides where your Combat Situation bonus will go, either to your attack rolls or saves against hits. It also determines the kind of Enhancements that can apply. A shield wall for instance would be a defensive enhancement for the combat situation, while a charge would be Offensive and grant bonuses to hit your attack rolls.

The Combat Situation determines who has the advantage in combat. Its quick and easy creating exciting and quick combat.

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an brief overall of the game here.
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