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There are quite a few amazing artists that contribute to the NOCF raffles and the Fall Raffles among all others this year is already under way with a much lower turn out than normal.

This is a good thing for You!. That literally means a much higher chance to win the items this year, and there is never a better time to jump in and do it.

Now the bad part. I've been told that the participation in the Fall Raffles is quite a bit below the normal tickets sold for this event, and fact the Fall Raffles are quite a bit under where they normally are this year. The good part for you is the bad part for everyone else in this case, as these raffles are for charity, and less of a turn out means less money being donated to charity on behalf of our Wargaming Community.

So exactly what is in the Fall Raffles? Lets take a look. 

Oh yea... and here is the link to get to them so that you can jump right in and get some tickets.

Army Raffles

Single Model Raffles

This mighty renegade war machine has been converted using parts from Taro Modelmaker (Etsy) and Gadgets Plus (Shapeways). It also includes at least 16 LEDs creating no less than five separate effects and would make a great addition to any existing Chaos collection.
Our thanks to Joe Johnson, who is back for his sixth year supporting the NOCF.

This bust is the first conversion of Anonymous Bust 2.0 by world-famous miniatures artist Alfonso “Banshee” Giraldes, and it is a wonderful study of skin tones and freehand tattoos.
This stunningly painted bust would make a great addition to any art collection.
Our thanks to Alfonso “Banshee” Giraldes, joining the NOCF Artist Consortium this year.

This bust is the very first cast of the Anonymous 2.0 sculpt by world-famous miniatures artist, Alfonso “Banshee” Giraldes, and it is a wonderful study of skin tones and light.
This stunningly painted bust would make a great addition to any art collection.
Our thanks to Alfonso “Banshee” Giraldes, joining the NOCF Artist Consortium for the first time.

This bust – sculpted by Roman Lappat of Massive Voodoo - is a wonderful study of the depth of skin tones and light by the master of the “sketch style”.
This stunningly painted bust would make a great addition to any art collection.
Our thanks to Matt DiPietro, returning to support the NOCF Artist Consortium for the second year.

Now is your chance to really get great a great opportunity to both support your Wargaming Community do donate to charity with the chance to win these Raffles... (A good chance).
Follow the link for more pics and to get your tickets!

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