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A new article in The Telegraph says that Games Workshop is warning investors that there is "uncertainties in the trading periods ahead" without giving much additional information.

The article does claim that " Analysts have been saying for a while that profit growth would be challenging this year due to lower gross margins and higher operating costs linked to new openings, investment and higher wages"

You can see the rest of the article here at this link. You may need to register with The Telegraph using your email, which is free to do so.

Preparing stock holders that things are looking a little rough in the times ahead seems rather ominous.

An additional article from This is Money

it says this mostly... but check out the article.
Games Workshop shares tumble 10 per cent on mysterious statement
Firm warned investors of 'some uncertainties in the trading periods ahead'
The unscheduled update came just a month after the firm last reported
The company has seen a stellar rise in its shares over the past two years

OK, a lot of people speculating..... but here is the actual announcement

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