From the Community, Sam asked if we could provide him some feedback on lists for new players. So take a look, and if you have some positive words for them, do so.


via Stawk
I recently made a spreadsheet of 1k lists based on the GW factions on
listed in the Generals Handbook, as well as lists based around the start
collecting boxes. My goal was to figure out balanced lists for new players
to look at and have a better idea at what they can buy to start playing and
how much it would cost. I was also trying to give the lists a good base for
players to build off of rather then just making the cheapest dollar value
lists possible.

I was wondering if you or your community would be interested in providing
their feedback on the lists, because I am well aware that I do not know
enough about every faction to build the best list for them.

The spreadsheet so far has been fairly popular with the Reddit Age of
Sigmar community, but I feel even more feedback would be more helpful.


Reddit Thread:

Thank you for your time,

Sam "Stawk"
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