As more people are getting access to this book early, more information keeps coming in on what is changing for flyers. There is also more here on the missing Vendetta from the book. Here is the latest. …
Release Previews of Death from the Skies
There is a whole series of release images from Games Workshop/ the Black Library for the new Death from the Skies. I went and collected a good portion of them, to get a good look at the new release that comes out next weekend. …
Death from the Skies: Intel Directly from the Book

Seems that someone has the book now, and has given us a rundown on just what the new release means for flyers in Warhammer 40,000. Here is the latest information. …
Death from the Skies Releases and How to Paint Video

New from Games Workshop today is a lot of releases covering flyers for both Space Marines and Orks. The first, Stormhawk Interceptor can also be made into a Stormtalon Gunship, as both kits are mult-part releases able to make multiple options. Death from the Skies is a new supplement for 40k flyers…
Warhammer 40,000: The State of the War
There is a great survey out now that really digs into the state of affairs within the Warhammer 40,000 community and what it is that people are thinking. While its only a survey of 1027 people, it does give a great demographic of and snapshot of the community. Check it out …
New Horus Heresy Character Series Pre-Orders- Aevos Jovan

Solar Auxilia Surgeon-Primus Aevos Jovan & Medicae Orderlies is the new release, with Aevos Jovan's fall from grace. He is from The Horus Heresy Book Four- Conquest …
What's On Your Table: The Pig-God!
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to I was inspired to make this monstrosity after I saw Bruticus' amazing Dark Mechanicus Chimeric on Ex Profundis. When creating him, I wanted him to be able to pull double duty as both a "boss fight" for my curre…
Dropfleet Commander News and information... Pics of Sprues

The Admiral Beta test is getting close to being wrapped up in the next week+, and Hawk Wargames is sending out a little information along with some pics of sprues for everyone to take a look at. The release of this game is getting very close, and the beta testers today have all received what we can…
A Look at Deadzone 2nd Edition

Article by Ed and Blake from Life After the Cover Save Podcast This April, my podcast co-host and I were able to visit Mantic Miniatures headquarters. The lovely Ronnie Renton graciously let us tour the building and we got to see all kinds of awesome stuff that his company has been working on. He a…
Preview Images: Grand Alliance Destruction
Table of Contents, some very cool artwork, and more. The images are out now, as the books start to arrive in stores around the world, and Lady Atia is on it. …
Ral Partha's Chaos Wars Dwarf, Undead, Troglodyte Miniatures

Ral Partha and Iron Wind Metals have launched a Kickstarter a few days back. It was funded in about 8 hours, but for many people like myself, I am just hearing about it now. I remember back to my first ever miniatures, which were Ral Partha from way back. It takes some time to really sit down and e…
What's On Your Table: The Emperor of Mankind
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to I recently finished my Kabuki Celestial Knight, a.k.a. The Emperor of Mankind! I added a greenstuffed ermine to the top of the cloak and a couple of purity seals to add a little more character to it. Hope you lik…
What's On Your Table: Asmodai
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to This is my take on Asmodai based on the Artwork from 2nd Edition. Everything was sculpted from Green Stuff and Grey Stuff (same thing). …
Global Campaign With a Living Map

Seriously?, this is rather cool. Games Workshop will be launching a Global Campaign within a few weeks/months time. The details are still be worked on. Also new start up kits with low price points as low as £5 and up. That will be interesting. …
What If..... US vs Russia in Bolt Action

This is an excellent article by Warlord Games, directly related of course to Bolt Action. What if the Allied Forces had clashed into the Soviets at the end of WW2. While I don't think either side had the will to fight beyond what was needed to at that point, it wouldnt of taken much to spark what w…
New Details Emerge About Age of Sigmar "3 Ways to Play"

The Age of Sigmar will be coming up on its first year birthday this summer, and with it, a full points system along with a narrative game play option. This all sounds wonderful and great and I am personally one person who will welcome the options. The playtesting thing is just wonderful, that the p…
Infinity April Releases

Quite a bit here from Corvus Belli. Quite a few nice models here, including the new Maghariba Guard we saw previewed earlier this week. …
What's On Your Table: Converted tau commander
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to This one i use the old Tau commander that i bought damaged I put in the spare chest armor and cold star back pack instead of old Resin part. I also used shield and missiles attached to his left arm to represen…
500pt ITC Mission: Hive Fleet Leviathan vs Ultramarines
Faeit 212 Community News: To Join and Get your Community/Blog News on Faeit 212, Inquire at Community News: Hot Dice Miniatures Hello world! Check out this 500pt ITC mission between hive fleet Leviathan and the Ultramarines. While I have invested some resources into this battle-repo…
More Death From The Skies Leaks/Information

Death from the Skies brings dogfights into 40k and phase where battles above the table can be fought at the very beginning of the turn. Here is the lastest information. …
Warlord Games Studio Updates: Bolt Action/ Beyond the Gates of Antares

Warlord Studios is great for letting us know what they are working on, including some Soviet tanks, and more. Take a look …
Updated and Fixed Pictures: What's On Your Table: Imperial Guard Command Squad- Vessen 409th

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to Thought i would send some photo's in of my IG Command Squad. I've never submitted photo's like this before. They are from my own regiment the Vessen 409th - …
Hints at Next Week.....
Next Issue: Flesh, Tasty Flesh, Raw Flesh, Dead Flesh, All Will be Consumed. The question is whether these are converted Executioners or not. They look cool. Either way, we have the hints for next week. …
Battle Report Riptide Wing vs Angels of Death Supplement Marines
Faeit 212 Community News: To Join and Get your Community/Blog News on Faeit 212, email me at 40kBrawl here to share a new video battle report with the gaming community, making use of the new physic powers & detachment rules found in the Angels of Death supplement for Spaces Marines.…
Hardback Death from the Skies, Followed by a Softback Release

So now that we know Death from the Skies is going to be released as a supplement here shortly, we have a little more intel saying that a softcover release will be following a limited run hardback edition. …
Age of Sigmar Changes, Due to Sales?

A lot is being said about the new changes to the Age of Sigmar from good to bad. One of the questions that comes up is exactly how the sales are doing, and while solid hard numbers are not something we are going to get a hold of, Hastings has chimed in to give us a very solid source of information …
More Hints of Blood Angels....
The readers here are just awesome for keeping their eyes and ears open. Here is a bit that gives a little insight that 1; Blood Angels up is coming, and 2; formations with assaults from deepstrike (nasty). …
New 40k Flyers Officially Revealed.....+ Additional Leaked Images for Death from the Skies

An official Hint from Games Workshop showing the image above!. Nice …
Age of Sigmar- Intel on the Narrative Format + Other Insights.

With the move to a point system and a very positive looking narrative system, the Age of Sigmar is looking like it will have a very nice upsurge of players. This is looking very good for the game, and at least in my mind, a good reason to start taking a fresh look at the game itself. …
Leaked Images- New Flyers Coming This week
Death from the Skies... New flyers are coming. It looks like Space Marines and Orks, with a Wazbom Blastajet and Stormhawk Interceptor the center of the release. The kits will be able to make 4 different flyers for Orks, while the Stormhawk Interceptor for marines will be able to make a Stormtalon …
Age of Sigmar Gets A Points System

This is a huge step to bringing back players to the Age of Sigmar and a good step for Games Workshop. There are big questions in the long run, but for now, its a points system! What a great thing to wake up to this morning. …
New Forgeworld Exclusive Model for Warhammer Fest

This looks like a fantastic model. Its an event exclusive model being released at Warhammer Fest, so those of us that can't get there are going to be jealous for awhile. …
What's On Your Table: Dreadnought Conversions
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to Hello again. These are my Dreadnought conversions. Need to be weathered but all are a wip. Have a good one. …
What's On Your Table: Raven Guard

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to Hopefully the below will help someone finally get there Calth stuff painted up. Finally decided on which legion I was going to paint up, went with Raven Guard after the Dark Furies sold me.. …
Corvus Belli - Maghariba Guard Preview

Corvus Belli has a new preview showing off the coming big release for April, the Maghariba Guard for Haqqislam. Check out the latest here. …
Afterlife Republic Taurus Gun Tractors Mk.II

Anvil Industries just released the new Mk.II Taurus Gun Tractors. They come in a set of 5, and are great heavy weapons that are activated remotely. …
Age of Sigmar Big Announcement

There is a big announcement coming tomorrow according the Age of Sigmar Facebook page. The most likey candidate for this big news is that the Faqs are finalized and that they will be available for fans of the game. If it's something else.... I have not quite heard anything yet. …
What's On Your Table: Legio Cybernetica

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to Just wondering if you could feature some of my recently completed Legio Cybernetica from my 30k mechanicum army. Whilst struggling for a paint scheme I watched Aliens and decided I needed power loader robots in m…
Genesys Updates: Magic and Powers

The Genesys Project is moving forward still, with a lot of progress being made over the last few weeks. A huge thanks to those testers that were involved in house and from the community. The feedback was fantastic, and really helps push the envelope and narrow the focus for the game. …
Warhammer 1st Edition Rogue Trader Battle Report
Want to see Warhammer 40,000 played in first edition? This was sent in to me, and it was interesting seeing the game played in first edition. …
Digital Forgeworld Books Begin: The Horus Heresy Mechanicum: Taghmata Army List
Forgeworld books not quite what you want to carry around with you for your army? Now the Black Library is printing them digitally. I personally like the books myself, but at the same time always think twice about taking any with me, this solves that. …
Horus Heresy Path to Heaven
With a new Horus Heresy book 36, Path to Heaven brings the return of Khan. The White Scars (a big favorite of mine) take on the Death Guard and Emperors Children on their way back to Terra. …
Ironjawz and Grand Alliance: Destruction Pre-Orders are Up +Release Video
For the Battletome Ironjawz, this is a big pre-order day. The model range for Orruks has been replaced and updated with new Ardboys, Megaboss on a Maw-Krusha, and a lot more. Two books, 7 new miniatures, makes this one of the biggest release weeks of the year. …
Deadzone 2nd Edition Launch

I have to say that the games I have played of Deadzone were a lot of fun. While it's only been about 5-6 games, each one showed a fast action game, that was extremely enjoyable. Now that the game is going to second edition, I may have no choice but to take the plunge and pick up a starter set, or o…
The Most Powerful Tank in the World is Released

The Russian IS3 is new this week for Bolt Action from Warlord Games. Its a beast of a tank, that came in at the closing of the war. …
What's On Your Table: Beyond the Gates of Antares

What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to I've been working furiously to get my Algoryn ready for some games tonight, we are doing a Gates night at Max Aggression Gaming in Niagara Falls, I'm really excited to give the AI a try, the game has been excelle…
What's On Your Table: Chaos Terminator and Hellbrute
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to I've been a huge fan for a while and I love what's on your table so I felt it was time to contribute. Some WIP shots of a chaos terminator I'm building, hopefully a squad of them in a similar style will be comple…
Forgeworld and Specialist Games Rumors

A second set of rumors coming out of the forums sections of Something Awful, this one focuses on Forgeworld. Again, I have no idea on the validity of these rumors. It shouldn't be too difficult in the near future to get some intel to see if this is panning out. …
Games Workshop Creates Army Bundles from Tournament Results
Games Workshop has armies bundles together that are "a battle proven" force. There are three of these from the South Coast Grand Tournament. This is in interesting way to move models. I will find this really interesting when this moves to 40k. GW watching tournament results? Nice …
Grand Alliance Destruction "Last Chance"

As when we had the last Grand Alliance books there were lots of models that were suddenly gone and moved over to the "last chance" to buy tabs on the Games Workshop webstore. …