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I have been reading that Looted vehicles are gone from the upcoming release of the Ork Codex, and more confirmations are coming in. Many of the forums have been saying this yesterday and today, and now Beasts of War are coming in saying very much the same thing.

What do you think? Is this an iconic entry of the codex that needs to somehow remain in 40k? or does it really even matter? I know out there that many Ork players just love to throw bits onto any chassis they can get a hold of and make a looted vehicle.

Please remember that at this point, its just a rumor, but seems to be coming from many different people. Perhaps its just speculation that has gotten out of control, but its being widely reported that Looted Vehicles are gone. Hopefully we will get some real verification on this or not.

Here is what was being said on Beasts of War. Follow the link for the entire article.
We’ve been hearing on the grape vine that Looted Vehicles might be going from the upcoming Ork Codex and with that in minds we thought we’d see what you’re favourite vehicles were to bosh together for the glory of your Warboss and the Waaaaaaaagh!

via an anonymous source on Faeit 212

Orks get the AM & NID treatment with codex entries deleted for good.
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