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Ork Rumors that have been going on for the last few days, with a few more details and bits of information. Of course I love the marine crater above. Very cool.

Please remember that these are rumors. The 7 pre-orders that were up temporarily are most likely coming up next week, but from the ominous last words in this weekends White Dwarf, it may be an additional week. This is kind of what people are saying is happening as to what this Ork release is shaping up to be.....
Wk1 Morkanaut dual kit
Wk2 Flashgitz
Wk3 Big Gunz
Wk4 Codex and a few more kits and bundles (formation as well)

via an anonymous on Faeit 212 *****
There were 7 pre-orders listed on the GW site before they were taken down. Product numbers were up for them, and not necessarily the names or any other information except for the Nobzanaut bundle which was revealed at this link.
bundle with a Gork/Morkanught, 5 nobs and a warboss with attack squig $152.25

via Beasts of War ****
Formation - 'ork warband' - warboss, mek, unit of nobs, six boys mobs, one unit of grots. Gives Boss of the Waaagh! Greenskin Hordes and Stampede rules. 

Boss of the Waaagh! Lets you re-roll your warlord trait if taken as a primary detachment. 

Greenskin Hordes. "Evey unit with ten or more models in the detachment gains the Hammer of Wrath special rule... and in every assault phase in which is successfuly charges an enemy unit the dice rolled for it's charge range in ten or more before modifers..." The wording here is confusing; not sure if it means that Hammer of Wrath only works if you roll ten or more, or if there was another rule which got cut out. 

Stampede! If the formation's warboss is your warlord, he can use his Waaagh! special rule each and every turn after the first. This implies that warbosses have a special rule called 'Waaagh!' which usually can't be used every turn. 

Detachment 'ork horde'. HQ, three troops, elite, fast attack, heavy support, fortification and Lord of War. Gives Greenskin Hordes and Boss of the Waaagh! Not sure if 'elite, fast attack and heavy support' was meant to mean one of each is compulsory.

via Bols Lounge ***
Ork Buggies
BS:3 (Grot Gunners)
AV and HP unchanged
+5pts apiece

As wide as the Trukk model, but half the length
Ork Trukk-style tires
Hot-rod engine with oversized engine piping along the sides
Turret-gunner is seated behind the driver
Multiple weapon options including:
Supashoota (linked)
Rokkit launcha (linked)
Heavy Flamer (linked)

Big Guns
There is contradictory chatter about a "Flakk" anti-air option for the Big Guns
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