Allows for Kabal, Wych Cult and Homunculus armies
All old units appear in this codex plus there are 3-5 new units
Army-wide special rules:
Night Vision - Acute Senses USR
Strength Through Pain – Most standard Dark Eldar Infantry units will have this rule, although some of the more out there ones will not. The unit gains an upgrade every time it wipes out an enemy unit (3 max). 1st Feel No Pain, 2nd Furious Charge, 3rd Fearless. ICs that join a squad combine their Pain Points with the squads.
Combat Drugs - Supposedly features mostly on Wych Cult units. Roll once. All units with the Combat Drugs rule get the same benefit. One result confers a free pain point. 12" Assault result is gone.
The "always attacker" rule is now gone.
Splinter Rifle 24" SX, AP5, Rapid Fire, Poisoned.
Shard Carbine 18" SX, AP5, Assault 3, Poisoned.
Splinter Cannon 36" SX, AP5, Assault 4, or Heavy 6 Poisoned.
Splinter Pods - an underslung weapon for the Hellions similar to the carbine
Blaster - Now 18" range
Disintegrator – S5 AP2 Heavy 3
Shredder - still in
Heat Lances - 18" S6 AP1 Lance, Melta
Special Characters: There are 8 special characters, all are HQ choices:
Asdrubal Vect
Duke Sliscus
Urien Rakarth
Lelith Hesperax
The Decapitator
Duke Sliscus
Lady Malys (Vect's ex-wife)Baron Sathonyx
- Some FOC slots are subject to change -
WS7, BS7, +1 BS, +1WS, +1A, +1LD compared to previous edition, can take Blaster (18“ range).
If he kills and enemy MC/SC in close combat, he doubles his Strength to 6. If he kills another one, he doubles his Strength to 10.
Can have bodyguard retinue called 'Court of the Archon' which is a retinue like an inquisitors.
The Court Of The Archon is the Archon's new bodyguard option. It is somewhat inspired by Greek mythology. Options include a retinue member which grants 2+ Poisoned to the entire retinue. This option is unbelievably cheap for what it does. Other options include Ur-Ghuls (which had FNP) and Medusae (which have an 'eye laser' ranged attack).
He can take different numbers of 4 different types of guards. ie. he can take some of one type and a few of another etc. (I would recommend keeping it down to 10 members so they can ride in the archon's pimpin' raider). One is a big bug - 3 wound tank monster, one is a 4 armed shooty guard, one is a general cc one, and another is a retinue member that grants the entire retinue poison 2+ CC attacks.
To make things a bit difficult, ruleswise it is not a retinue, as the Archon can be singled out in a cc attack.
Generic Wych HQ. Better at infantry killing.
Asdrubal Vect
Can be taken mounted or on foot. It has been said his throne fits nicely in the spot where the sail goes on the new Raider kit. This implies no new model.
Even more expensive but hard hitting , costing about as much as Mephiston (Dais not compulsory).
Dais is AV 13 13 13 with three Dark Lances. He seizes the initiative on a 4+.Seizes the initiative on a 4+
Kheradruakh, the Decapitator
mandrake champion, still with 4 arms.
Always starts in reserve, player can place him anywhere without a roll but at least 1" or 2" away from enemy units.
Duke Sliscus the Serpent
a corsair captain- nasty counterpart to Yriel who isn't that great a fighter but gives bonuses to the rest of your army.
Concept wise he is David Bowie in space, a really glam rocker dude.
Can confer 3+ Poisoned onto one unit's shooting attacks. Also, he is the Dark Eldar character who tore out Lukas The Trickster's heart.
Lady Malys
His Ex-Wife.
Immune to psychic powers and passes this ability onto any unit she joins.
Baron Sathonyx
has a skyboard
Comes with a free Pain Point (and therefore Feel No Pain)
Can be upgraded to a Haemonculus Ancient.
Stats are now supposedly identical to the Eldar Phoenix Lords.
Armed with Demiklaives
Special Rules:
Eternal Warrior
Apparently there's a strong indication that Drazhar is actually Arhra.
Lelith Hesperax
WS9 A4
Armed with Power Weapons
Has option for Impaler
Special Rules:
Recieves a bonus attack for every point her WS is above the highest opponent's WS in base contact with her
Does NOT have Combat Drugs (she's above all that)
Urien Rakarth
Gives out D3 Pain Points at the start of the game, which must go to Wrack or Grotesque units
Regains 1 wound at the start of each DE Turn as his flesh re-knits itself.
He can make the small constructs troops, and he can give grotesques S6 instead of their usual S5 for 5 points each.
Identical to the Codex: Eldar entry
There is no, repeat NO Solitaire.
5-10 unit strenght, stealth/infiltrate, but not strength from pain rule.
They have normal cc weapons, they gain a shooting attack after they get a pain point (by killing a unit or e.g. given to them by someone else), ranged attack str4 ap4 assault 2 pinning Special Rules: Stealth and Infiltrate
T3, S3, 2A 3+ sv
3-10 squad size. Incubus, Klavex
2 Attacks each.
Armed with Incubus warsuit (3+ sv) and Klaives (Power Weapons with +1S)

Klavex is a squad leader with WS5, A3 who can take Demiklaves, 2 smaller blades that either give him +2 attacks or +2S (both are Power Weapons). Klavex has the following special rules:
Onslaught: If a Klavex is in the unit, wound roll of 6 by Klavex or Incubus allows for bonus attacks, these cannot produce more attacks.
Murderious Assault: Klavex points at an IC and gains Preferred Enemy against that IC, can be done every assault phase
may be in heavy FOC
Bigger with Ogryn stats. S/T5 3W, FNP. Don't have strength through pain rule. Urien allows them to be upgraded to S6. Shoot S4 AP4 Assault 2 fire attacks.
They take up 2 spaces in a transport (like Ogryn) they have to take a Ld test if an IC isn't accompanying them, and if they fail they inflict 2D6 attacks on nearby units before all dying.
New. "Man-sized Grotesques". FNP
Kabalite Trueborn
LD9 and 2A
Have Sybarite stats. Armed with Splinter Rifle and Kabalite Armour. Dracon upgrade.
Special Rules: Fleet, Night Vision and Power From Pain.
Options to take more special weapons
Elite Wyches
Proper name unknown but possibly Hekatrix Bloodbrides or Syrens
LD9 and 2A
Options to take more special weapons

Kabalite Warriors
Stats are the same. Armed with Splinter Rifle and Kabalite Armour. Sybarite upgrade.
Warriors get 1 Dark Lance (and likely other heavy weapons) per 10 models.
Can only take 1 special weapon regardless of squad size
Special Rules: Fleet, Night Vision and Power From Pain.
Stats are around the same.
Armed with: Close combat weapon, combat drugs, plasma grenades, splinter pistol, wychsuit.
Unit includes: Wych, Hekatrix, Hekatrix Bloodbride, Syren (all have different stats/options)
Champions still have the option for the Agoniser. Wych weapons are one per 5 models.
Dodge (4+): Wyches have 4+ Inv save in CC
Wych weapons
- Shardnet and Impaler: Counts as 2CCW, every enemy model in base contact loses 1 attack to a min of 1
- Hydra gauntlets: Count as 2CCW that grant +D6 attacks instead of +1.
- Razorflails: Count as 2CCW, reroll to hit and wound.
Fast Attack
Reaver Jetbike (Upgrade. Arena Champion) Can turbo boost 36", S3, T4, 5+ save, -1 to save and -1 to strength compared to previous edition. Jetbike gives +1 to save and +1 to Toughness (included in the profile).
They can perform a "fly-by" attack on units they fly past WITHOUT getting into CC. There were several upgrades for reaver jetbikes that inflict different numbers of S3/4/6 hits on units when doing their 'fly by' attack.
Can take Melter Blaster (S6 with Melter AND lance special rule)
Have strength through pain rule.
Blade under jetbike causes pinning test when wounding.
WARGEAR: Wychsuit, splinter pistol, close combat weapon, combat drugs.
Reaver Jetbike: +1T and 5+save, built in Splinter Rifle and 36" Turbo Boost
Bladevanes: Turbo Boost over any number of units, select one unengaged, nonvechile unit you have passed over. Each bike does D3 S4 AP- hits. Cover Saves allowed.
Cluster caltrops: Same as above but does D6 S6 AP- hits
Grav-Talon: Same as Bladevanes, D3 S4 AP-, if target suffers 1 or more unsaved wounds it must immediately take a pinning test.
Special Rules: Night Vision, Power from Pain, Skilled Riders
Supposedly have hit and run
Skyboards have a S5 AP4 assault 2 shooting attack
Champion can take a special type of skyboard which can pull an IC out of its unit when using Hit and Run. This leaves him engages in Close Combat with the IC though.
Beast Masters
Ride Hellion Skyboards
Can take a total of 7 beasts per Beastmaster from three beast types:
Khymera - The old Warp Beast
Vodwing Flock - W5 5+ Invul, Rending
Clawed Fiend - gets better as it gets wounded.
Armed with with Shard Carbines, and Jump Pack
Deepstrike. Standard with a assault 3 18" splinter weapon and can have heat lances (18" S6 AP1 Lance, Melta). 4+ armour save. Seem to get some kind of haywire grenade launcher and a jetpack like the Tau. Another source says that they have wings meaning they are JUMPPACK not jetpack. Can supposedly take Haywire Grenade Launchers
Special Rules:
Deep Strike
Heavy Support
Fast, skimmer, open-topped, AV 11 11 10
Armed with 3 Dark Lances as standard
Can fire all weapons after moving 12" and after Deep Striking
Similar to what we have now.
Weaker but cheaper Talos.
When it kills a model with one of it weapons you may choose a unit to add a Pain Point to. You can only get 1 point per weapon per Turn (3 max per turn)
Has 2 ranged weapons
Razorwing Fighter
AV 11, 11, 11
Can fire all weapons after moving 12" and after Deep Striking
Seem to be Skimmer, not flyers as previously said.They have aerial assault rules that mean they can move and fire all their weapons, they can also take a range of missiles. One of them: Implosion missiles, small blast, all models touched by it take a characteristics test on their wounds and if they fail it they instantly die. They can purchase up to four missiles of any of the following types and may be a mix of them. There are neurotoxin ones, imploding ones, soul stealing ones or something, and good old fashioned explosives.
Voidraven Bomber
Seem to be Skimmer, not flyers as previously said. It is armour 11 with duel strength 9 Ap 2 dark lances, can move 36 inches, fire all weapons when moving 12 and deepstriking, can drop a strength 8 bomb along its flight path. Costs as much as Rhino plus Ravager.
They have aerial assault rules that mean they can move and fire all their weapons, they can also take a range of missiles. One of them: Implosion missiles, small blast, all models touched by it take a characteristics test on their wounds and if they fail it they instantly die. They can purchase up to four missiles of any of the following types and may be a mix of them. There are neurotoxin ones, imploding ones, soul stealing ones or something, and good old fashioned explosives.
RaiderFast, skimmer, open-topped AV 10 10 10
Has upgrades for a 5+ invulnerable (not cover) save and another that gives an extra 2D6" movement.
Artwork has DE riding it and harlies dont have it as a option. Has a TL splinter rifle and can upgrade to a splinter cannon
Formerly in Harlequin list (capacity 6)