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Asdrubael Vect is the Supreme Overlord of Commorragh. As such, you would expect a lot to come with him. We all love the old slave girls that came with the model, and as of yet, no new model is in the works (so we hear). The old Dias of Destruction was a cool concept, the dais being able to fight in close combat with av14 pretty much all around. Now, as I am sure we all have heard, he comes without his Dais of Destruction. If you want it, get ready to pay out the rear an additional 200 points.

Asdrbuael Vect is expensive. We are talking Mephiston expensive. Yes he is tough. WS8 BS8 S3 T3 W4 I8 A5 Ld10 Sv4+. He comes with a Shadow Field, ghostplate armor, splinter pistol, plasma grenades, and haywire grenades. He also comes with obsidian orbs. These are 12" S10 Ap3 Assault 1 blast weapons that heal  Vect's wounds with each he delivers to his foes. The orbs roll to wound against the leadership of the target instead of its toughness, and models without a leadership value are not effected. His close combat weapon is The Scepter of the Dark City, which is a power weapon that always wounds on a 3+.

Vect comes with the standard abilities of Night Vision, Fleet, Power from Pain, Independant Character, and Fearless. He also has preferred enemy against Eldar and Dark Eldar, and comes with a special rule called Master Tactician. Master Technician allows an army with Vect to seize the inititive on a 4+.

The Dais of Destruction as mentioned earlier is expensive. It is a Av13 on all sides and comes with 3 Dark Lances. It otherwise acts as a raider. You must start Asdrubael Vect on the raider along with 9 other models. Note that you do not get the aerial assault rules when moving and shooting your lances. (no moving 12" and firing everything). Its slow, but hey it has three lances and Av13 all the way around. There are a few lists I can see this working out well with, but most of the time, spending almost 500 points for Vect and his transport are a little much. The rule of where you have to start him in his transport, kind of puts a damper on the flexiblity of spending this many points.

Will I use Vect? Probably not. I dont really see how he can be efficient in most scenarios. There is the possibility that using Vect in an alpha strike style list will help with his Master Tactician. Even two hundred points for his Dais isn't miserable in that kind of straight up list. Dark Eldar are not a blunt instrument, so I will probably leave simple alpha strike lists with Vect to other people.
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