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Rather than a variant of Wych, the Hellions emerged as their own faction, an anarchic gang culture of outcasts ruled by a shadowy master.

Today we have the concept artwork and pics for Helions. I am trying to keep up on the Dark Eldar information, but to be honest, I have fallen behind a little. Here they are with pics and some GW comments.

Jes: There were a lot of contenders in the army list for the Dark Eldar plastic sets, but the Hellions were the next in line. Plastic is made for flying units - it's a lot easier to get dynamic poses in a lighter material and the model could be more three-dimensional. We wanted figures that could be assembled to look as if they were moving flat-out, their riders held on by the fine chain tethers that were a feature of the raider crew. As the models were primarily about the Hellions themselves we wanted to sculpt them physically, like the Warriors and Wyches, rather than digitally, as the Reavers were.

More feral than the Wyches, the fighting suits were slashed rather than artfully pierced, the armour even more stripped back. The snarling breath screens became more sculptural. With the Incubi wielding their brand-new klaives, the halberd-like hellglaive became more distinctive. The twin blades acquired sinuous new Eldar shapes but the addition of hooks made them look crueller.

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