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I will have to admit that this is the first unit that I am dissapointed in. That said, I love the models. The models are fantastic creations, however I dont think on first look that they will cross over onto the tabletop. It's almost like GW said "Oops, we forgot to do Mandrakes" then gave it to someone to model who did an awesome job under the gun, sculpting one of the best looking models of the line. Lets look at them.

They come with an 'evil looking blade' (nice name, sorry but it kind of ticks me off). The statline differs from the old ones with a S4 and A2 (but no additional close combat weapon). The armor save moved to an invulnerable one, which could be ok. Then we get the following USR. Stealth, Infiltrate, fleet, power from pain, and move through cover.

Ok, now here is what will make or break this unit. We get something called Baleblast. Sounds cool. It is a S4 AP4 assault 2 pinning weapon with 18" range. Now this is workable, I like it. The downside, it only works if you have a pain token on the unit. So this unit really comes down to being able to kill something early game, or being given a pain token. Without it, the unit is a big downer. The unit has to be able to kill something and it looks like mandrakes will have a hard time accomplishing that.

I miss the deployment of the old mandrakes. I am not going to get into they should of done this, or that. Mandrakes just leave me thinking that they left it to the last minute and forgot about them.

Your thoughts. I'd like someone to tell me I am way off, and mandrakes will live up to the awesome model they have. Please...... anyone?
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