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Elite choices in the Dark Eldar codex are very good, and the Hekatrix Bloodbrides are fighting for a very tough spot in our lists. In order to understand what these will bring to the table, we will have to discuss their troop counterparts as well, Wyches.

Both are an almost identical entry (personally I expected a little more design effort here, but I'm OK). Bloodbrides get an additional Attack and an additional Leadership point. The only difference between Wyches and Bloodbrides, other than the slight stat difference, is that special weapons are given to the unit 1 per 3 bloodbrides, and 1 per 5 Wyches. (Granted you can take up to 15 wyches and only 10 bloodbrides). Wyches cost 10, with bloodbrides at 13. These two units are a little similiar for me, so they will function pretty identical (they get the exact same upgrade options).

Here is what they can get. Haywire grenades.... we all figured that. Special weapons include Razorflail (allows re-rolls attack and wound), Hyrda Gauntlets (instead of +1A for extra close combat weapon, you get d6), and the Shardnet and Impaler (these effect all enemy models in base contact and reduce their attacks. 1 per shardnet to a min of 1).

Our Bloodbrides also get to upgrade a leader to a Syren. Wyches get a Hekatrix. The options for both unit leaders are exactly the same with blast pistol, agonizer, venom blade (2+poison), power weapon, and a grenade launcher (option for defensive grenades).

Bloodbrides and Wyches also get the standard 4+invul dodge save in close combat, combat drugs, fleet, and  grenades. They also get Venom and Raider dedicated transport options.

People that want to play a Wych Cult will enjoy doing it with the new codex. I'm not too sure yet how wyches will fall into my army lists, but I am pretty sure that bloodbrides wont be in that mix. The other elite options are just that good. Over-all they are a so-so choice, but because Wyches are troops they might be seeing some action. I think wyches definetly have potential, and we will see how they are going be used in the next coming months.

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