Well, those days are over. Archons no longer use Reavers, and no longer can we take so many hits of the drugs that we collapse. Don't worry though, we have new addictions now for the over zealous archon who wants to live life on the edge.
WS7 BS7 S3 T3 W3 I7 A4 Ld10 Sv5+ Still a great stat line. We come with a pistol, plasma grenades, and close combat weapon. Power wise, we get Night Vision, Fleet, Power from Pain, and Independent Character.

Wargear. You get lots, and can just pick and choose here. Options are Haywire grenades, ghostplate armor, combat drugs, soul-trap, djin blade, clone field, phantasm grenade launcher, shadow field, and webway portal. Very customizable.
If you are fielding units without grenade options, take a phantasm grenade launcher. If you want portals, you got em. Concerned about monsterous creatures, take a venom blade and huskblade (best of both worlds).
Dont forget to add in your Djin Blade. This gives two additional power weapon attacks every round of combat. Roll these seperately, if doubles are rolled, the blade rebels and automatically strikes the bearer. Woot, I have my drugs. Oh yea, I can still take combat drugs to a pre-game bonus. So it is very possible to get 9 attacks on the charge with your archon. Taking a soul-trap, it is very possible to get your archon up to S6 even S10.
Dont forget your shadow field. Make sure you start joined up with some wracks, so you can take a pain token with you at the start of the game. That will give you Feel No Pain, and go to town.
The Archon is a close combat nightmare with great weapon choices (taking a blast pistol or blaster). You will see him on the battlefield a lot, especially if you are facing me.