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We have all heard or read the results of these studies Dice Study. What it says is that chessex dice, that we all use for warhammer 40k, tends to roll a 1 on average 29% of the time. If you have not read this, I highly suggest that you do. Now, what I am not saying, is throw out those dice, and run out and get new ones. I have had just as bad luck with casino dice, as I have with chessex dice.

You can spend alot of time researching how dice are made, and how poor the quality is of the dice we use. If we are all using the same dice, does it even matter? Ive seen tournaments that hand out the dice to be used.

This is a personal thing for me. I don't like to dwell on the fact of how poor my dice were. Sometimes I get bad dice games, and sometimes good. The primary thing I do is to not use chessex dice. I use dice created by Gamescience that  I purchased at I go with the theory that by using cornered sharp edged dice, the law of averages are going to be close enough, so that "I feel better" regardless of results.

Beyond the dice, we have dice rolling. If my opponent rolls all his dice at the same time, and or using a tray, there is little to ever think about. There are people that practice dice rolling. I guess you can get good at it. If I see someone rolling one dice at a time, or setting up his rolls, I have no issue calling my opponent on it (I have done this Brian). In friendly games, its just as easy to pick up your army and call it, if someone is obviously cheating and not stopping. (Ive never had to do this).

You have my take on dice rolling. What is your take on the dice that you use?
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