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OK. Here it is months after the release of the Blood Angels codex. The question then becomes, where is our Stormraven? Not even a pic, and with the exception of waiting for the next release of Daemonhunters (which we are not sure is even next), we have had no real signs that we are going to see this gunship anytime soon. It seems very odd to me, that GW would wait an entire year, which is what it is going to end up being, before giving us something on this. You all know I am a Dark Eldar player, and to be honest, in order to get the stormraven released, I could of waited another month or more for such a release.

I am very tired of seeing very poorly designed storm ravens. In fact Im rather sick of it. I am tired of the Valkyrie proxies, the Land Raider with wings, and people using star wars models or worse, to make their version of the Storm Raven.

We want this model GW, we have not forgotten, if for no other reason than to get some of these horrid, and in some cases non playable models off our gametables. Here are the good and the bad. Judge for yourselves.
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