A new Stormcast Eternal Hero is coming. Generally unexpected for either Stormcast Eternal or Space Marines is a bit of a stretch. Now a new unique Tyranid Monster would completely catch us off guard!

Otherwise though, looks like a nice miniature.

via the Warhammer Community

This is Dacian Anvil – a noble Knight-Questor who’ll be helping hobbyists smash ghosts, daemons and anyone else who thinks hammers are anything other than rad as heck!

Clad in the ornate Sigmarite battle plate that marks him as one of the foremost Stormcast Eternals, and best-dressed individuals in the Mortal Realms, we wouldn’t blame you for wanting to add Dacian to your collection right now. You’ll get your chance eventually, so worry not – we’ll have more details on how and when he’ll be available closer to his full release.
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