New Universal cards your Warhammer Underworlds warbands are in the new expansion sets for you to use and today's preview gives you some insight into just what they are so you can make the decision on whether or not you need these.

via the Warhammer Community

This weekend, you’ll be able to pre-order two new Warhammer Underworlds Warband expansions, each of which is absolutely packed with new cards.
We’ve previewed the specific warbands already (if you missed our look at the Eyes of the Nine or Zarbag’s Gitz, make sure to check them out), so today, we’re taking a look at some top picks for any deck from the sets:
Sometimes you’ll need Cleave, sometimes you’ll need Knockback, but we reckon you’ll always find a use for a massive hammer…

Katophrane Tomes are a new kind of Warhammer Underworlds card similar to the Katophrane Relics, with all manner of strange powers – and some fun abilities when you stack them…

When you know you’ll be facing a wizard, you can pack a deck with deadly spells of your own – or just smash them in the face with some deadly Nullstone weaponry. It’s your call…
This spell is a fantastic way to cripple objective-based warbands – or reduce the difficulty of objective cards that require you to control every objective in a certain half.

We’ve all been there – when you draw a less than ideal opening hand, and you just need to do over but it’s got one of your favourite upgrades in! With this spell, you’ll be able to recover discarded objectives to use later– no more going without a crucial Great Strength or Shadeglass Darts…

Sorcerous Insight lets you play a favourite ploy again – or re-use one you inadvertently discarded. There are all sorts of deadly combos you can pull off – like Shardgale, Sorcerous Insight, then Shardgale AGAIN…
With a little cunning and some careful research, this ploy can be absolutely punishing. If you reckon your enemy is trying to score a high-glory objective like Denial, Contained or Supremacy, this will stop them in their tracks.

In Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvault, rolling two Critical Successes on a spell causes damage to the caster – this versatile ploy is great for harming enemy wizards or supercharging your own successful spells.

Need a key support in a hurry? Countercharge lets you take up positions and reinforce a friendly fighter – it can be punishing when used against aggressive warbands.

Don’t get left behind – by packing this objective into your deck, you’ll be able to narrow your opponent’s lead and score some glory even after a bad turn.

As you’d expect, Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvault introduces a whole host of new deck archetypes to the game, such as those focused around spellcasting. This aggressive objective is a fantastic pick when combined with your deadlier wizards.

If you’re packing loads of Katophrane Tomes into your decks, this objective can score you a hefty chunk of glory at the end of the game.

You’ll find these cards spread across Zarbag’s Gitz and the Eyes of the Nine – we’d recommend grabbing both sets to give yourself the widest range of cards to draw from (not to mention two awesome new warbands to play with)! 

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