This army release really has been one of the slowest and quietest releases I have seen in years, and it seems the hype really is not there for Orks. I think it comes down to one release last week, one this week. At this rate the Ork release is starting to feel like a sleeper. Its not that Ive lost interest in it, it just feels dragged out, and every site I am on people have for the most part left the conversation about Orks, or the conversation has drifted to 7th edition.

Every game company I have talked to, would love the hype that the GW hobbyists have for its every release. For such a loud army, this release has been quiet and calm. Not the quiet before the storm, but literally butterflies in sky blue fields kind of calm.

I hate to say it, but where are the sounds of the Ork players Waaaaagh suddenly occurring on the other side of the shop. Something is just missing without the emotional outburst of Ork Players rampaging across the gaming tables.

Im ready for some drum rolls, and the dragging Orks out for two more additional week, as it now looks like, would really just suck any possible hype right out of it. I think that starting model releases, and then not getting a codex for 3 weeks, is kind of rough.
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