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Its been a little quiet on the Dropzone front on the site, but that doesnt mean that nothing has been going on. I have been working on my Harbinger army for my Scourge. This concept is one that David was excited to see someone do, and of course he is contagious. (I highly recommend staying away from him if you do not want to catch his enthusiasm for Dropzone).

The concept is simple, a full Scourge Walker army. Prowlers, Stalkers, and Ravagers brought in by the medium Harbinger Dropships for an in your face, hard hitting strikeforce. 

The first thing that was important for me, was figuring out if it was really doable. After all, the walkers are slow moving, with a much shorter range than most AA or Anti-Armor of the other factions. So an army list of all Scourge Walkers would take some serious consideration, as its a complete opposite to the speed of normal scourge forces. 

However, the Harbinger is solid. While its not fast as a standard Marauder Dropship, it has a higher Armor value of 6, and an amazing 4dp. This gives it an incredible durability for a dropship. Opposing AA guns tend to be Energy 6 and sometimes 7 with around 3-4 shots. In order for a list like this work, those harbringers need to get in. Armor 6 does the trick though (but dont forget about hiding still). 

So what am I bringing in is a list like this. 
Harbringers are relatively slow for Scourge. This makes it nice for bringing an extra Desolator (command), because you will not out run it. So dual Desolators make a ton of sense in a list like this. Just dont blow up your own models. The Mini Arc caster upgrade while expensive, adds a S7 AA gun that hits on a 2+. 

Stalkers are the bread and butter here. 27pts for a walker that is armor 10, with an energy 12 gun. While this might seem like overkill to some of you, the first time you play the PHR, you will know the value of high energy hits. 

Ravagers are nice. Area defense against air attacks for the scourge. Air denial has always been an issue with the scourge, but with these guys on the ground an 18" bubble is formed. Each one able to fire 4 times at energy 6. 

The one problem with a list like this is getting in close, and keeping up with the enemy, and striking hard. Scourge can do this with a dedicated force of these walkers. Personally I have 9 Stalkers, 6 ravagers, and 5 harbingers to bring this army to the table. One of the advantages to command cards for this army, are the extra movement cards the scourge tend to get. Stalkers receiving a a +3 move and fire can be quiet devastating. 

Preliminary lists look like this. Still needs work, as there is no Commander which could be easily fixed in this concept list.

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