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Deckbuilding is an interesting idea for objectives in Warhammer 40k. The Maelstrom of War missions use Tactical Objectives, and these types of missions look like they are ideal if this is the direction GW is taking us for these missions. Of course people would not be required to play this way, as there are still a whole other set of missions that do not require Tactical Objectives.

So what do you think of this new idea? Is that something you would like to see?
I have seen objective cards used in some games, like Deadzone, but they are drawn once at the beginning of the game and not used the same as tacticial objectives are in 40k.

Personally I don't currently have a strong opinion one way or the other on the subject (rare I know), so I thought I would ask readers what they thought.

via anonymous source on Faeit 212 on the discussion
You don't need the cards to run the ork objectives.  The deck just makes it easier.

Most are reprints with Ork names and typos, but there were some unique ones.  These unique ones are now in the codex in the form of a chart/table that you roll on in conjunction with the main rulebook, effectively overwriting specific entries in the core book with their ork versions instead.

The cards add more flavor for the other 30 objectives.

We may see future changes though, with things like Forces of Disorder/Order replacing other parts of the chart, which will again promote the use of decks (as you won't need 3 books open when rolling).

Deckbuilding is still a thought, and may see future rules.  
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