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A project that has been going on for almost as long as I have been blogging, Lord Inquisitor today put out a new trailer for its unofficial Warhammer 40k movie. Erasmus has done an amazing job with this, as we have seen in the past trailers. There definitely has been a lot of new work done.

I simply love the servitors coming online, and the bringing forth of the tactical dreadnought armor.

Here are additional links to follow this project where you can see previous trailers.

via Erasmus
During the last months I have switched the render engine. Instead of V-ray I am now using the not yet released CryEngine Cinebox, a realtime solution for the creation of cinematics. I'm excited to announce that this is a world premiere showing this new teaser, rendered in realtime on one single nvidia GTX 780 ti. 
And all the images you've seen the last weeks have been rendered in realtime as well - but nobody noticed  
This is a great success for The Lord Inquisitor to be a pioneer in this area of film making and it will help the project a lot.
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