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Earlier we were talking about Tactical Objectives, and how they are possibly getting expanded upon for each codex with their own unique set of objectives. Now we have more information about combining different decks, essentially deck building for the Maelstrom of War missions.

Please remember that this is a rumor. It will be interesting to see this game mechanic expanded upon. It reminds me a lot of how when 6th edition was released, we only had certain Warlord Traits from the main rulebook to go off of, and as codices were released, the game mechanic was expanded upon.

I am excited to see just what dark and vile mission objectives my Dark Eldar will get.

via an anonymous source on Faeit 212
They're both different art, and different mission-types.Unique objectives for Orks.

There'll be an article in White Dwarf soon about customizing your objective decks. Decks have a fixed number of cards, but you can draw from the ones available to your faction/race. So for Example: Generic cards, Forces of Disorder and Ork cards could be used in an Ork deck.

This will mean two things:
1) the chart in the main rulebook is a stop-gap for those who do not have cards, but can never be the same as cards (since for instance, you can roll the same result multiple times, but while there are multiples of the same card in the deck, you will always be at (X-Y) available as one is in your hand.

2) Deckbuilding will provide players with a way to gain an advantage in maelstrom missions, as you can create a deck that compliments your army.

Before people get up in arms of advantage, etc, if anything it just loosens the grip that maelstrom would otherwise place on your army composition as you can play an army you want to play and still compete in maelstrom, with all the fun of random/variation between games, but in a manner of your choosing.

While some of the Ork cards are pretty much reprints of what we've already seen with a couple ork-related typos and names, others are very ork specific.

And never forget, you don't have to use them if you want to just use the regular cards or chart.
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