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The Ork codex is in hand of most of the community of now, and the rest that are planning on getting during the release will get it over the next few. So lets take a look at some of the changes and some of the most contentious areas of this new release.

I have spent some time in the codex reading, but have a lot more reading to do to really form my own opinions about the codex release. Being the first 7th edition codex, there are some minor changes, like Lords of War included, and the writers adding in formations and detachment changes to the codex.

Here is a brief overview of some of the most interesting sections of the codex. All information here is written via an anonymous source. I am also curious as to what others opinions are of this release, now that it is finally here.

There is a special Ork Detachment
Here is the Organisation Chart:

- 1 HQ
- 3 Troops
- 2 HQ
- 6 Troops
- 3 Elite
- 3 Fast Attack
- 3 Heavy Support
- 1 Fortification
- 1 Lord of War

-All models must be from the Faction: Ork.

Command Benefit:
- If this Detachment is your Principal, you can reroll Warlord Trait, if you use the Warlord Trait table of the Codex: Ork.
- Same Hammer of Wrath bonus as for the Warband Ork formation.

Warband Ork:
- Composition: 1 Warboss, 1 Mek, 1 Nobz or Meganobz Squad, 6 Boyz Squad, 1 Gretchin Squad. (No Restrictions)
- This Formation can be your Principal Detachment, if it is the Warboss is your Warlord and can reroll his Warlord trait if using the Warlord Trait table from the Codex: Ork.
- Each squad of the Formation with 10 or more model in the squad gain Hammer of Wrath the turn they successfully Assault an Enemy squad and if his Assault Distance is 10" or more (before modificators). The squad gain Hammer of Warth even if it moved less than 10" or if the squad is reduced to less than 10 models by overwatch or Dangerous Terrain, etc.
- If the Warboss of the Formation is your Warlord, he can launch the Waagh! each turn after the first turn.

Mad Dok Grotsnik:
- His personal special rule now grant Fearless and Rampage to the squad he joined.
- No more Cybork Body upgrade for the squad he join.
- Automatik Warlord Trait that allows to reroll one failed To-Hit or To-Wound per turn.

Kaptin Badrukk: \Moved from the Flashgitz options to the HQ selection/
- Now can purchase up to 3 Ammo Runts instead of automatically having them included.
- Is Independant Character.
- Doesn't change units slots, like mentioned in preview rumors.
- Automatik Warlord Trait that allows to reroll one failed Armor save or Invulnerable save per turn.

Boss Zagstruk: Moved from the Stormboyz options to the HQ selection
- His personal special rule, that granted him the Melee profile of a Power Klaw at I4, changed to Hammer of Wrath attacks resolved with S8 AP2. (his Melee Attacks now use his melee weapons)
- Automatik Warlord Trait that allows all friend units of the faction ork within 12" to reroll failed moral check and pinning test.

Boss Snikrot: \Standalone Unit, moved from the Kommandos Options to Elite selection/
- Like Kommandos he have the Stealth special rule.
- He lost the Killa Reputation special rule.
- He has Fear special rule. (instead of his personal Killa Reputation rule that reduced enemy leadership by 1, now the enemy suffer the Fear effect)
- He has the Independant Character special rule, but can join only Kommandos Squads.
- If he is taken in a Detachment that include one or more Kommandos Squad, he doesn't use an Elite Slot. (So you can take 1 Kommandos Squad, Snikrot and still have 2 Elites Free slot in the standard Detachment OC)

Lord of War Ghazghkull Thraka:
- Lost his Adamantium skull.
- Has Eternal Warrior special rule.
- Cybork Body changed, now grant Feel No Pain (6+) instead of the Invulnerable 5++.
- Can take objects from the Grots and Squig list.
- Can be selected as Warlord, since 7th we can take any Character to be our Warlord and he is Character with the Independant Character special rule.
- Automatik Warlord Trait, his old Prophet of the Waagh! special rule. 2++ invuln the turn you use the Waagh! and all the models in his squad with Mega Armor can Sprint during this turn, even with the Slow and Powerful special rule granted by the Mega Armor.

Wazdakka and Zogwort are not present, the reason seems to be that GW removes squad that doesn't have models in their GW product list. Same thing happened with the Imperial Guards' Medusa / Griffon / Collossus which are FW models.

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