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The Ork codex was accidentally released much earlier today, and many people ended up with the digital codex by buying it from the Black Library where it was posted. With that there is lots of information being thrown out, and while its all over the place now, I thought I would compile some of it.

Here is a look at what is being said about the Ork codex.

via NotMyIfurita, Skullchewer on Warseer
Ghaz is a LOW.
No Wazdakka, no Zogwort.
HQs listed as
Big mek, Zagstruk (!!!), Badrukk (We knew that was coming), Grotsnik, Mek (Not big mek), Painboy, Warboss, Weirdboy.

Megas, they can take up to 9 in a unit, and 1 Boss Meganob. Any model may replace their twin-linked shoota and power klaw with two killsaws

Relics are in. Not had time to read.

Buggys don't get new weapons, do get Grot Riggers at 10 points.

Not seen anything about FNP at all yet.

Grot riggers don't just work for IWND on 'nauts, any vehicle that has them, but cost per vehicle seems to differ. 20 to put them on a 'naut. BW don't seem to have the option.

Looks to be a lot more options with selecting wargear for meks
"A Big Mek may take items from the Mek Weapons, Melee Weapons, Runts & Squigs, Orky Know-wots and/or Gifts of Gork and Mork lists."

Mob rule is replaced by the D6 roll, yes.

Kustom Mega Slugga is a thing.
A Big Mek with mega armour can take one of the following
- Tellyport blasta
- Kustom force field

Gifts of Gork and Mork
Da Dead Shiny Shoota
Da Finkin’ Kap
Da Fixer Upperz
Da Lucky Stikk
Headwoppa’s Killchoppa
Warboss Gazbag’s Blitzbike

D6 Result
If the unit is locked in combat, it passes the Morale check or Pinning test. If the unit is not locked in combat, it fails.
If the unit includes one or more Ork characters (including Independent Characters), it suffers D6 Strength 4 AP- hits, and is then treated as if it had passed the Morale check or Pinning test.
If the unit has 10 or more models, it suffers D6 Strength 4 AP- hits, and is then treated as if it had passed the Morale check or Pinning test. The hits are Randomly Allocated. If the unit has fewer than 10 models, it fails the Morale check or Pinning test.

Disembarking an open topped vehicle adds +2 to charge distance.

attack squig nerfed to 1 reroll in melee per turn
Tankbustas can shoot at whatever they like, and Bustas and Burnas can take dedicated trukks
Kommandos get Stealth now, thats nice.. and they didnt see a point hike like burnas and tankbustas
Ramshackle got clobbered.. 6+ save when you take a pen, if successful downgrade to glance
Buggies in units of 5, gained outflank and a minor point decrease. Looks like mine will be fed to the meks to build artillery
Snikrot is not HQ, effectively works like before when you add to Kommandos. Listed Elite. No slot if you bring Kommandos. He has Ambush and it gives Shrouded instead of Stealth the turn they arrive... still no charge from Reserves
Killkannon still lowers transport on BW
Rule for planks is a little complicated. If you get out of open topped and declare a charge, add 2 to the charge range
Deffrolla gains AP4 and loses half the hits
Lootas HS and cheaper (shocking)
I dont see any way to get Kans or Dreads as troops
Ghazzy is a LoW but I can't see why.. they didnt change him
if you take an Ork Warband detachment, you can Waaaagh every turn after the first

D6 Warlord Trait
1 Prophet of the Waaagh!: Mork (or possibly Gork) has chosen this Warlord for greatness, and every Ork under his command knows it.
The Warlord gains the Waaagh! special rule. If the Warlord already has the Waaagh! special rule then, in addition to the usual effects, all friendly models with the ’Ere We Go! special rule gain the Fearless special rule when he calls a Waaagh!, until the start of their next turn.

2 Bellowing Tyrant: This Warlord is an unholy terror, a roaring lunatic whose every (very loud) word is law.
The Warlord, and all friendly units with the Orks Faction within 12" of him, re-roll failed Morale checks and Pinning tests.

3 Like a Thunderbolt!: This Warlord is a master of the all-out, no-holds-barred, headlong charge into battle.
The Warlord, and all friendly units with the Orks Faction within 12" of him, can re-roll all the dice when determining Run moves or charge range.

4 Brutal but Kunnin’: This Warlord has a sneaky streak a mile wide and knows just where to hit his foes.
The Warlord can re-roll one failed To Hit or To Wound roll each turn.

5 Kunnin’ but Brutal: The Warlord knows when to roll with a punch, and can shrug off the hardest blows.
The Warlord can re-roll one failed armour or invulnerable saving throw each turn.

6 Might is Right: Made of muscle and aggression, this Warlord is the embodiment of the Orks’ warlike nature.
The Warlord receives +1 to the Strength characteristic on his profile.

Stompa is in, is a Super Heavy, BW has gone up by 20 points.
From what I can see a Mek is a different HQ to a Big Mek, not an upgrade.
Lootas and Burmas can still upgrade to Meks. (Nauts filled with burnas and meks is go).

Burna Boyz are 5 points more expensive for base unit.
1 Boss Nob per bike unit, 15 bikes total (Including Nob).
Yes, Warbike seems to be optional wargear for some models.

So in the wargear section there is the Orky Know-Wots. Boss poles, Cybork body, Gitfinda and... Warbike. Warbike cannot be taken by a model with Mega Armour.

Warboss WAAAGH!isn't every turn, (Not sure where that came from) but it allows all friendly units made up entirely of models with the ’Ere We Go! special rule, to charge in the assault phase even if they ran that turn.

Weirdboys gain a Warp Charge point if there are 10 or more models with the 'ere we go rule (Pretty much any Ork from what I've seen) in 12" but has to take a psychic save or take a hit.
Power of the Waaagh! and Daemonlogy disciplines.
Can be upgraded to Psyker level 2.

Primaris power is Frazzle (Blast witchfire).
'Eadbanger is now a focussed witchfire.
Warpath is a self blessing
Da jump is what used to be 'ere we go.
Killbolt is a beam attack.
Power vomit (Yes really) is a template witchfire.
Da Krunch is a barrage witchfire.

Mob of boys is 10. Costs the same as 10 used to. One in 10 can take special weapon (Same but rokkit cheaper than it used to be). One model may be a Nob, may select from Ranged or Melee weapons list (Pk, Big Choppa, TL shoota, kombi rokkit, kombi skorcha)o. Trukk as DT. 1 boy in 10 can select

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