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Another round of Ork converstions the night before codex release.

Waaaaaaaagh natfka! Some orks from spain! My name is Coet and I send you some pics from my Kustom Dread Mob Army. The idea behind the mega-dread ( i'm working on bigger base , this is a WIP ) its to resemble a big ork with two close combat weapons and a KFF in the back.
The Dreads ( 6 in total ) are scratchbuild from the koptas and/or stylized from the basic dread kit. All of them have "faces". The three I made from the koptas have their arms outside the "mask" and control the dread like a exo-eskeleton.

The Kans goes from crap to more sofisticated tech. I like to make some crazy kans , like some of the goblin inventions from the fantasy (such as the fanatics ) so i use a lot of cardboard and the rokkits from the koptas. All of the kans are magnetized so i can use 10 rokkit kans or a combination of bigshootas and grootzokas.

Currently i'm working in two morka/gorkanauts and another mega-dread.

Thanks for all!!

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