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The Black Library earlier today accidently put the digital Ork codex up for sale, and many people took advantage of the early purchase, and bought the book early. With that, a lot of information is flowing.

Of course no stat lines or point costs will be posted up, but here is the some more Ork goodness that was not covered earlier.

via dakka
Ded shiny shoota: 6 shots twinlinked shoota, rolls of 1 hit one of your own 
units. The bike relic has an AP3 deff gun on it, Hedwompas choppa is a +2 
str, AP5, rending choppa that beheads on a roll of 6 (insta death).

Big Mek doesnt change your FoC, nor does warboss (no more nob/dred troops).

Mek is a slotless HQ, 1 per actual HQ bought

Ghaz can take runts/squigs, but looks the same, its lord of war.

No new character, Wazdakka is gone, No bikes as troops (pain boy can take a 
bike tho?)

Kff is MODELS within 6 inches get 5++, if embarked than vehicle gets this 

Teleporta Blasta mek looks awesome, only available to a mek in Mega Armour 
but its like 3 large dish types things aiming from his back toward whoever 
he is looking at.
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