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Ghazghkull Thraka and Stompa points in plain sight now as Lords of War from the upcoming Ork codex. Many of the image leaks come from La Taberna de Laurana, even though they are being put up elsewhere without any credits on their origins.

Here are links to where you can currently find the images
and here

also here for the other source of the codex pic. This is where it came from as well, with a lot of people claiming credit for this picture on forums and other sites.

via Skullchewer on Warseer
Ghaz supplement gives a new Warlord trait and relics section, some army wide rules if you use it and lots and lots of formations.
Some of the Relics:
4+ kff 
Axe of Ragnarork: Every model you kill gives +1str -1ap, 
Cybork body that's give 5+ fnp and Eternal warrior
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