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Orks are up for pre-orders, and in some cases, digital versions of the codex were available for a few hours on the Black Library page. That basically lines up what is coming in the codex, so any rumors regarding those releases are no longer necessary.

Faeit's Tarot takes look at the news and rumors of the week, so that we can look ahead to predict what is coming in the weeks ahead. Its the one place to check on if you either missed a few days, or were out of contact this week.

New This Week
Games Workshop
Codex: Orks Warboss Edition $165 Webstore Only
Codex: Orks $49.50
Warhammer 40,000 Datacards: Orks $8
Mek $21
Painboy $26
Split-Grin Bad Moons Tribe $1,123
Kult of Speed $561.25 Webstore Only
Ork Warband $258.75 Webstore Only
Fall of Macharius $24.99 Webstore Only

Salamanders Legion Contemptor Dreadnought £33.00
Salamanders Head Upgrade Set £11.00
Salamanders MKIII Torso Upgrade £11.00

New Rumors This Week
I think most people were a little surprised early Friday morning to see the Ork codex available for pre-orders so early. It became clear shortly thereafter, that the codex itself was available at that time, and there were quite a few people that simply got it. Next week we are looking at another week to wrap up the Ork model releases, with Meganobs. Its certain there will be other releases, but that is what we know of at the moment.

Orks Next Week "the Biggest Orks Ever"
via an anonymous source that has seen the White Dwarf *****
The "next issue" bit at the end of this white dwarf issue mentions "the 
biggest Orks ever", so it's probably Meganobz.

Looted Wagons: Brought Back By Popular Demand
Looted Wagons are in this week's White Dwarf and its worth mentioning that these were not included in the codex. Looted Wagons though are something a lot of people are proud of converting in their armies, and because of this, there was some outrage at the rumors that the looted wagon was no longer part of the codex. This is what brought back the looted wagon.

via a must remain anonymous source on Faeit 212 *****
The wagon isn't in the codex.
It is white dwarf exclusive, and will be available as digital download for $1-2.

It's not a cash grab by selling "incomplete" books.
Truth is that the book finished without the codex entry, because it did not have a model.  Due to public opinion, it was brought back in a last minute decision about a month ago.You'll even note that there is a typo in the unit entry in this week's White Dwarf, where the unit entry was copy/pasted over the Gorkonaut entry.

There is no intention of making a looted-wagon conversion kit at this time, though it would be cool if it could then combo with Lemon Russ or Rhinos, etc, it simply is not intended.

People should be happy that they're heard, and the rules are going to be in white dwarf allowing for a more organic game with solutions to issues outside of 2+ years between codicies.

The reality is that not everyone in the internet-community will ever be happy.

Bretonnian Knights
There are rumors that the next codex/army book release will Bretonnian Knights, which would be released in mid to late July.

via an anonymous source on Faeit 212 ***
There is a rumour I've been hearing that all bretonnian knights except for knights errant will all be champions, like how grail knights are currently which will all have 2 attacks and accept challenges.
Knights with lances will also get some kind of jousting focus rule where they can lose one attack and gain one extra strength on the charge.

Daemons Are Next ***

via Larry Vela on Bols
First of all, this is about Warhammer 40,000.

So yes, we all know - directly after Orks is Bretonnia, which has indeed been patiently waiting since the Jurassic period.

But we've heard that there is an untraditional Chaos release window on the far side of that during the summer.  We've been told to look for:

- Chaos Daemons Release Window
- 3-4 Week release period
- Daemon themed Apoc Warzone Book
- New CD Dataslates
- New CD Formations

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