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The second half of the What's On Your Table sets in perfect with an Ork codex release. An Ork Bommer by Brendon. Its not often you see reverse conversions, but this Bommer is converted to be an Imperial flyer. Very cool.

Hi my name is Brendan and here I took an Ork Bommer set and converted it into an imperial flyer. I saw the Ork flyer and thought it looked really cool like an old war plane, so I decided why not do that

I play in as either an Astra militarum Vendetta or as an Imperial Navy Thunderbolt depending on what rules im using at the time.

The big guns on the wings I got from the Exterminator Autocannon for the Leman Russ kit, and the smaller guns on the nose and wings are from the Sentinel kit (2 Autocannons and 2 Multi-lasors) I clipped and shaved the "teeth" on the nose to make it more imperial, but other then that I didn't do too much to it.

I sprayed the whole model with Dawnstone, (that was very watery) using the Games Workshop "flamer" spray gun, which gave the plane the weird texture like WW2 war plane camo. Metal bolts and sheets around the plane and even the exhaust tubes I painted silver and washed brown to give it a grimy old effect.  Finally the wing on the tail was hand painted on both sides. 

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