Latest News

This week there was a lot going on, from the release of the new Lord Inquisitor trailer, to the Ork Codex release. That was not all either, Dropzone Commander, Eternal Crusade, and more had releases go up this week.

Faeit's Tarot takes look at the news and rumors of the week, so that we can look ahead to predict what is coming in the weeks ahead. Its the one place to check on if you either missed a few days, or were out of contact this week.

New This Week
Games Workshop
Deff Dread Mob $85
Deff Rolla Battlewagon $74
Big Mek in Mega Armour $63
Meganobz $63
Trukk Boyz $60
Waaagh! Ghazghkull – A Codex: Orks Supplement
Waaagh! Ghazghkull - A Codex: Orks Supplement (Interactive Edition)
Waaagh! Ghazghkull - A Codex: Orks Supplement (eBook Edition)
$32.99 Find Out More

Da Goff Guard $2,626.75
Webstore Exclusive 'Orks: New Releases $594

Thanatar Siege-Automata £70.00

Hawk Wargames
M116 Bunker Complex Scenery Pack £35.00

News and Rumors This Week

Waaagh Ghazghkull Codex Supplement
This week we have seen information showing off the rules for the new codex supplement Waaagh Grazghkull. Of course the rules all come from the leaked imagery, but here are a couple of those rules, and there are still links up that reveal what is there. The Mexican Ork

Da Boss iz Watchin: +2 modifier for any rolls on the Mob Rule table, with a possible penalty if breaking heads or squabble comes up on the mob rule chart.
Must accept challenges and issue them. If the warlord kills an enemy character in a challenge he can re-roll all failed to wound rolls the rest of the game.

via Skullchewer on Warseer
Ghaz supplement gives a new Warlord trait and relics section, some army wide rules if you use it and lots and lots of formations.Some of the Relics:4+ kff Axe of Ragnarork: Every model you kill gives +1str -1ap, Cybork body that's give 5+ fnp and Eternal warrior

Lord Inquisitor: New Trailer
Its wonderful to see a new trailer out and noting the progress. We will be watching for more from Erasmus.

New Realms of Battle Board
An image of a new Realms of Battle Board appeared early in the week. You can see it still by following the link below. An Urban battlefield really is something that will make my wallet a little bit lighter if this comes out soon.

via Lords of War Gaming
A tile from the new Imperial Sector Realm of Battle board.With in a month. Sanctus Reach(planet Strike Update) will pre-order next week.

Hawk Wargames Campaign Packs: Coming Soon

This is the Invasion of New Eden Campaign Pack.      Something new and as of yet not talked about on this site is coming from Hawk Wargames; a Campaign Pack. While I have had very little information about this, its coming very soon and looks to be an amazing set of scenarios and landscapes to take your Dropzone Commander Battles to. Not only will the games be fun, but Hawk Wargames is supporting stores that want to support the Campaign, and putting out these packs as close to "at cost" as they can.
     It is a campaign set on the first planets of the UCM's reconquest to take back the planets held by the Scourge. These games are for organized play, set up for 8 person campaigns for any of the 4 factions.
Support is a poster to keep track of the battles and participants, along with metal pendants for each faction for the players. Going with metal pendants that are really nice, is more substantial than going with patches or certificates of some sort.
     There is a lot of new artwork coming with these campaigns, with a new piece of artwork to match up with each of the scenarios. The areas of battle include, a flooded swamp ruined city, a run down Ice Base, a High Tech city still being used by the Scourge,  partially destroyed mining facility/city, and one with lava that flows like rivers through the battlefield.
     Obviously there is a lot of detail still unknown at this time, but with artwork for each battle, a new organized campaign setting for the first worlds of the Reconquest sound like a ton of fun. Sources put this release in late July along with the Landing Pad Scenery set next month. Of course we also know that the first expansion book for Dropzone Commander is coming in late August about the time of Gen Con.

Cipher Studios Release Schedule
Cipher Studios released its schedule for the next few months which also included release for Ninja Division. I am more familiar with Cipher Studios and if you are interseted in seeing the release schedule for Relic Knights, Ive kept the link here.

July 2014 Releases
Hell Dorado
Michael Legatus — Westerner Leader
Anima Tactics

August 2014 Releases
Anima Tactics

September 2014 Releases
Hell Dorado
Lasiqs — Sarracin Troops
Anima Tactics

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