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The Fey are coming later this week, and if you are a fan of the Genesys Project, you know that this will be the 2nd Age release for the Fey, with the Reptilia 2nd Age about 2 weeks behind that. So now is the time to register and get the latest preview which will be sent out to anyone that is registered on the Genesys site.

Still learning about just what the Genesys Project is? Its a totally customizable tabletop miniature game that allows you to customize, and literally create your faction. You can customize your own weapons and equipment, and best yet, play your faction through the three ages of the game. So yes, you technically level up and change as you play!

Your Heroes are not just created with your faction in the Genesys Project... They are created from gameplay!

Learn more here at

The Genesys Project is currently in an Open Beta, which is scheduled to end in February! which will jump the game right into pre-orders.
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