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A rather large Dropfleet Commander tournament is scheduled next month at Worcester Wargames obviously in Worcester. Dropfleet is still on the top of my favorite game-play experience, so when I was asked to share, and figured I would point readers to the location to find more information.

Redditch Wargaming Society is proud to present its first Dropfleet Commander Regional Tournament!!

If you are a Dropfleet Commander player in England, and especially the West Midlands area, this is a fantastic opportunity to meet and compete with other Dropfleet players, no matter your previous experience.

This tournament aims to provide a testing ground for those planning to attend Winter Invasion 2017 in Croyden, and as such the top-ranking players from Summer Invasion (UKGE) will be in attendance. However, this tournament also provides a brilliant opportunity for newer Dropfleet players to broaden their experience and get used to Dropfleet's tournament setting. All for the bargain price of £6 a ticket!

For ambitious players, Midlands Maelstrom also provides an opportunity to further your statistics towards Hawk's World Rankings.

Sign up and ticketing details below. Please contact me if you have any further questions.

Name: Midlands Maelstrom - Autumn 2017 (A West Midlands Dropfleet Tournament)
Date: Saturday 21st October 2017
Available places: 15/28 remaining.
Location: Worcester Wargames
3 Trinity Street

Cost: £6 per entrant
-1250 points Clash
-Using official Hawk DfC UKGE Tournament Pack:
-All current errata is being used.
-3 games using Tournament Points 20-0 system.
-Players will need two copies of their Fleet List, one for TO, one to show opponents, all equipment for their own fleets.
-Conversions are fine as long as Hawk parts have been used and the ship's class is recognisable.
-Time allotted for each game is 2 hours and 45 minutes. The TO will issue instructions on how to score your game if it does not look like you will complete six turns in the given time.

List Submission: Please submit your list by sending your link to before the 14th October 2017. This will give me at least a week to check over everyone's lists!


[/size]Goblin Gaming
Goblin Gaming are supplying £20, £10 and £5 vouchers, to go towards 1st, 2nd and 3rd place!

The Model Exchange
Are providing acrylic tokens for Best Painted!

Are providing acrylic tokens for Most Sporting!

Deepcut Studio
The brilliant wargaming mat suppliers have sent us a lovely ice-scape Dropfleet map for 1st place!

Worcester Wargames
Our hosts for the day will be providing a set of high-end paint brushes and a mat for Best Painted, and a
mat towards Most Sporting!

Wargaming Mats
Two mats are being provided for 2nd and 3rd place!

TT Combat
Have kindly sent us some useful and colourful acrylic tokens for ground sectors.

KR Multicase
An amazing prize here for 1st place, customised Dropfleet protective carry case, and backpack too!

-Prizes awarded for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Most Sporting and Best Painted.
-If you wish to be considered for Best Painted, please leave your fleet on display after Game 1.

Day schedule:
8.00-8.30am Arrival, registration and setup.
8.30-11.15am Game 1.
11.15-11.45am Break for food.
11.45am-2.30pm Game 2.
2.30-2.45pm Break.
2.45-5.30pm Game 3.
5.30-6pm Final results, prizes, pack up.

Please arrive promptly for 8am, so we can all start on time!

Event coordinated by: Matt Purdie (Scoundrel13), Jason James (jjakaalbinoboy) and Redditch Wargaming Society.

After party - drinks in Worcester after tournament as we finish at 6

Accommodation - night before tournament or night of tournamment

Transport - Car Parking

Transport - Rail
Worcester Foregate Street

Contact: TO, Matt Purdie

Ticketing instructions:
1. Sign in to PayPal
2. Choose Pay or send money
3. Choose Send money to friends and family
4. Enter and click next
(Account in the name of Stuart Davies - RedWarSoc Treasurer)
5. Enter the Adult Single Ticket Price of £6.00
6. Add a note with "Midlands Maelstrom 2017 (Autumn) Ticket- *NAME*”
7. Once tickets are purchased, your name will appear below as confirmation. Please allow a few days for your name to appear.

Facebook Page: Once you have had your ticket confirmed, please join the Facebook page for Midlands Maelstrom, as this will make communication between myself and all attendees much easier!

Players confirmed as paid and attending:
1) Matt Purdie
2) Jason James
3) Luke Ricketts
4) Will Francis
5) Anthony Balkwill
6) Anthony Brown
7) Martin Massey
8) Adam Duckett
9) Tim Wharton
10) Ian Gilbraith
11) Tony Alldridge
12) Chris Lobodzinski
13) Richard Smout
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Last edited by Scoundrel13 on Wed Sep 13, 2017 4:14 pm, edited 26 times in total.
Midlands Maelstrom 1250pts Dropfleet Tournament
21st October 2017
Worcester, UK
See the Events section for more details!

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