What's On Your Table: Custom Shadow Spectres, Eldrad, Revenant, Hemlock
What's On Your Table: To submit your work, please send up to 8 pics to natfka@live.com
I started up with creating custom Shadow Spectres as a new project. This is how the color scheme came about. I wanted it to be ghostly and looked into GW paint tutorial of the Tree Revenants. Then I got sucked into the idea to go into colors of creatures/ plants from the sea.
Then the Revenant happened! I got a nice deal on e-bay. Ended up drilling and magnetizing the hell out of him. It was really worth it though since I can disassemble him completely for storage (42 magnets in total).
And lastly the Hemlock, though a regular Farseer is still up for painting, in the same color scheme.
Hope the pictures are sufficient.