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If you follow the site here then you already know about the NOCF Charity Raffles and the amazing armies and models that you can win. The latest set of raffles for the Nova Open were announced and it was an amazing number of countries represented in the winning draws.

There are two raffles though I need to draw your attention to, and these are two winners of the raffles that have not yet responded. Of course its totally understandable..... One is in Florida with the Hurricane, and the other in Washington State where the fires are still blazing. Not to mention that life does take over at times. If either of these are you, or you know them,...... Let them know the good news that they have won! Im certain they will appreciate it, and good news is always needed.

WH 40K Necrons, painted by the Artist’s Consortium, was won by, Colin Sherman of Edmonds WA
WH 40K Sicarian Tank, painted by John McAvoy, was won by, Edward Ramsey of Panama City, FL

If you are one of these winners head to their site to contact them
From the NOCF website
or email here

Here are the Winners


  • WH 40K Cypher, painted by Thor Intararangson, was won by, Brandon Kunc of Crofton, MD
  • WH 40K Magnus the Red, painted by Duncan Rhodes, was won by, Brian Jones of Washington, D.C.
  • WH 40K Terminator Chaplin, painted by Drew Palies, was won by, Laurent Lheritier of Newton Highlands, MA 
  • WH 40K Sicarian Infiltrators, painted by Josh Dunkerly, was won by, Rob Scallan of Chorlton, U.K.
  • WH 40K Sicarian Tank, painted by John McAvoy, was won by, Edward Ramsey of Panama City, FL
  • WH 40K Stormsurge, painted by Caleb Dillon, was won by, Erik Petersen of Steamboat Springs, CO
  • Atlantis Miiatures Troll, painted by Alan O’Bryan, was won by, Terry Marrs of Jenks, OK
  • Blood Bowl Ogre, painted by Roman Lappat, was won by, Lawrence Cultlip-Mason of Arlington, VA
  • Games Day 2007 Ork Boss & Goblin, painted by Alan O’Bryan, was won by, Joseph Holstein of Charlotte, NC
  • Guild Ball Harry the Hat, painted by Alan O’Bryan, was won by, Danny Stoll of Herren, Netherlands
  • LotR Gandalf, painted by Gianluca Cornago, was won by, Gianluca Cornago of Bergamo, Italy
  • Pegaso – Jacques de Molay, painted by Roman Lappat, was won by, Lain Richardson of British Columbia, Cananda
  • Reaper Floating Mage, painted by Patrick Chambers, was won by, Bryan Bledsoe of Kansas City, KS
  • WM/H Commander Nemo, painted by Angel Giraldez, was won by, Jimmy Rheault of Montreal, Canada


  • Blood Bowl Game Set & Pitch, painted by Stiff Neck Studios, was won by, Bryan Bledsoe of Kansas City, KS
  • FFG X-Wings Organa’s Angels, painted by Christopher Tapara, was won by, Christopher Tapara of NSW, Australia
  • FoW Monty’s Desert Rats, painted by Steve McCuen, was won by, Christopher Alfaro of Indian Trail, NC
  • FoW Rommel’s Afrika Korps, painted by Steve McCuen, was won by, Christopher Seebeck of McLean, VA
  • Guild Ball Farmer’s Guild, donated by Steamforged Games, was won by, Benjamin Pohl of Muscatire, IA
  • WH 30K Sons of Horus, painted by the Artist’s Consortium, was won by, Stephen Pugh of Liverpool, UK
  • WH 30K Mechanicum Hammer, painted by the Artist’s Consoortium, was won by, Ryan Hilton of Austin, TX
  • WH 40K Necrons, painted by the Artist’s Consortium, was won by, Colin Sherman of Edmonds WA
  • WM Cygnar Strykers, painted by the Artist’s Consortium, was won by, Adan Tejada of Moraga, CA

Winners represented six different nations: Canada, Australia, Italy, Netherlands, United Kingdom, & the United States.

From within the U.S. there were thirteen states represented: California, Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Kansas, Maryland, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Texas, Virginia, Washington, & the District of Columbia.

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