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The latest releases from Games Workshop are for the Age of Sigmar, a new hardback book for the Realmgate Wars.

New From Games Workshop
The Realmgate Wars: Godbeasts (hardback) £40
The Realmgate Wars: Godbeasts (Digital Edition) £34.99
Legends of the Age of Sigmar: Black Rift £15

The opening salvos of the Realmgate Wars are complete. Cities have been rescued, Realmgates liberated and civilisations wrested from the iron grip of the Ruinous Powers. But this was merely the start: Chaos is hardy indeed, and regrouped in hordes to wage terrible war against Order. The struggle continues in The Realmgate Wars: Godbeasts...

Unimaginably vast zodiacal creatures dwell within the Mortal Realms, and to harness their might would be to secure absolute, unmatchable supremacy. Archaon, Exalted Grand Marshal of the Apocalypse seeks to awaken and gain control over Behemat, the world titan, making him a puppet of Chaos and spelling doom for all. A massive struggle for power has sparked all across the Mortal Realms – war is everywhere, every army is massed and every battleground is slick with blood. Can the Stormcast Eternals and their allies turn back the hordes and ensure Behemat remains in his slumber?

The Realmgate Wars: Godbeasts is an incredible hardback book, an essential purchase for any and all interested in the incredible events occurring in Warhammer Age of Sigmar! Continuing the story of the Mortal Realms, and containing fantastic new ways to play, it features within its 288 pages:

- four new Time of War rules, for use by everyone playing Warhammer Age of Sigmar, that include new game effects, new spells and a new triumph table – this is how this game is meant to be played;
- thirteen new Battleplans – scenarios from the story that any army can use, introducing awesome new rules, objectives, and making three-and-four player games possible;
- twelve Warscroll Battalions – powerful formations with their own rules, for a number of different armies;
- stage-by-stage painting guides for the factions represented in the book – get your miniatures looking as they do in the story!
- stunning showcases of Citadel miniatures;
- a story of truly staggering scope – no previous experience of the Realmgate Wars necessary, just sit back and be blown away as the Mortal Realms are subsumed by total war before your very eyes!

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