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Hawk Wargames has introduced the first wave of dual blisters, which opens up new options for your Dropzone Commander games. All 5 armies of course are included, and the new options provide some excellent new rules and tactics that I hope to get onto the table soon.

Here is the latest from Hawk Wargames

Here is a collection of recent releases that are our new Dual Codes

Seraphim Retaliator

New operational parameters and a changing landscape have meant new thinking for many UCM designs. The production of the Seraphim Retaliator is a direct response to these changes, most notable in topography and enemy tactics. The Seraphim was originally designed...
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Monitor Swarm

It is in the inherent Scourge Lifespan that the Monitor’s menace comes to the fore. This is because Monitors are in fact old Minders pushed to the end of their sanity but endless guarding of the skies with little outlet...
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Angelos A2 Jetskimmer

As the PHR become more embroiled in outright conflict on the Cradle Worlds, more intelligence is being gathered about their war engines and constructs. Given their frightening efficiency and hit and run tactics, it has taken this long for UCM...
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The leopard continues the Shaltari combined arms strategy first seen in the Jaguar. Instead of anti-tank and anti-air capability, this construct sports close support weaponry similar to that seen on a Dreamsnare or Firedrake, but with a concentrated Anti-vehicle weapon...
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Thunder Wagon

The Resistance have always proven themselves nothing if not inventive. If a problem presents itself, they will adapt, avoid, adjust…or smash it to pieces. The Thunder Wagon is a clear example of the ‘Smash it to Pieces’ problem solving strategy....
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