Yesterday we had some Ork rumors hit, and most of us were amazed we were seeing something along the lines of Orks hitting the rumor mill. Well, a little bit of asking, and we were able to determine where these rumors came from.

Here is a link to Ork rumors incase you missed them.

They came from Playtest rules
Understanding where rumors comes from is not hard. Playtest rules come in a wide variety of sometimes wild sometimes mild rules. There are many playtest rulesets, and these are tested in often 2-4 week periods, before they are looked at an analyzed. Most of the rules tested during playtesting do not make the final cut of the rulebook.

What playtesting rumors gives us though, is a direct line and feel for what the designers of the codex units are working on. So while I love to see playtest rumors, you hard line must be codex accurate dakkites, should take a step back and look at things for what they are. Playtest rumors.

So the Ork codex. Yes, its early, yes these are obviously playtest rumors (which has been confirmed is what yesterday's ork rumors are) and are accurate as in that these are what is being playtested. At least as far as they were reported to this site.

The Ork codex is still out a ways. I had heard that playtesting is going on for Orks. In fact a few months back I had heard the following codices were in playtesting,..... Tau (probably wrapped up by now), Eldar, Orks, and tyranids. (yes they playtest and do design work on multiple codices all at the same time). BTW I expect them in that order of xenos releases and do not know which marine chapters will fall in-between.

So expect Orks to be a ways out, at the very earliest 12 months, but probably not until early 2014. Of course if I hear anything else on the matter, I will let readers know.
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