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With someone with the command to lead your army, you will falter in the Genesys Project. Command itself is one Characteristic that all models have, and is no less important, and quite possibly more important than your skill with a weapon.

The Genesys Project is getting ready to head to Nova where we will be showing people how to create their own factions and play the game. In celebration of that, I will be talking a lot about the game on the lead up to it.

What is Command?
Command is one of your primary characteristics for any model in The Genesys Project. With enough Command, you can command your armies to work better in unison, control the flow of the battle, and maintain the initiative from round to round.

Since you are in control of your faction, its important to seek out and maintain a level of Command that will work for your army. If not for your base faction, then for your Unit Classes; creating leaders and commanders that can help dominate the field with enhanced Command.

Command Value
Your Command Value for any given Game Round is determined by the Highest Command characteristic you have left on the table. (in advanced Ages Remote Command gives bonuses to this as well). Your Command Value is essential, as it determines how many squads you may activate during any given player turn, with each activation reducing your Command Value until there is none left. Once your turn is complete, your Command Value resets, and it is now the opposing player's turn.

During the opposing players turn, any Reactionary Activation's, including Melee Combat, that are initiated during your opponents turn, count against your current Command Value. This can leave a player with little or not Command Value left when their turn comes around. In this way a crafty player can attempt to outmaneuver and "out Command" their opponent.

Gaining the Initiative:
The first player that finishes all their activations, automatically has the Initiative for the following Game Round. This means a high Command Value will greatly aid in maintaining control of the flow of the battle.

Challenging the Initiative: (note that there are some minor changes here that are scheduled to go live in the next update, that are due to beta testers awesome feedback. It's mostly the same, but simplified and uses up a command value)
If you do not have the initiative once a round starts, you may at the cost of one Command Value, Challenge the Initiative. This in fact allows for you to steal the initiative from your opponent to gain the upper hand, and turn the tide of the battle. Both players simply roll a d6 and add their Command Value to the die result. The challenger must beat the current Initiative holder's result to steal it.

The End Game:
If you did not know already, the Genesys Project does not automatically end after 6 rounds. Any rounds after the 6th are called "The End Game", where if you feel you can win the game or complete your primary mission, you can attempt to continue the game into the next game round.

Here is how it works.... To extend the game into the next round, Roll a d6 and add your highest Command still alive on the table. If this result equals or beats the next game round's number than the game continues. For example... To continue the game into Round 7 with a Command of 4, you would need a 3+ for the game to into round 7. You would need to achieve an 8 for round 8, and so on. The officially ends after 10 Rounds, or when no one can continue the game.

You can imagine that with Command being so important, that your Commanders on the field must be protected and not thrown out into the fray foolishly.

To learn more about The Genesys Project, or to join the Open Beta and get your free product code, go to

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