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This is cool and extremely affordable. Dropfleet Commander game mats tend to be extremely colorful and fun to play on, and now through Low Orbit Maps I found a very affordable place to get them.

Low Orbit Mats

recently from
via Jess Tyler Monk on Facebook in response to the latest Kickstarter News about gaming posters not being able to be printed.

Hey guys! I'm back here with some more news regarding printing mats, this time also regarding the new kickstarter update news.
Until I get word that I can't print the play mat files that Hawk will be releasing, I'm planning on doing so. Because these are mats that everyone who backed in the kickstarter deserves to have, I'm planning to price them a good bit lower than my normal mats, at $19 each. I'm hoping this price will be close to the amount the are refunding, so that it's fair for you guys!
I WONT be adding the images to my site. I just don't feel right doing so as they aren't mine to begin with. But I will list them here on this facebook page to order. If any of you know any kickstarter backers who ARENT in this group, let them know if they are interested in getting their hands on them.
These are printed on a heavy duty vinyl mat, with vibrant water proof ink. Check out my little site for more details on the

Here are some mats already available... although they are $25 USD with Free Shipping

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