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The Dropfleet Kickstarter by Hawk Wargames is about ship Wave #2, which includes the Scourge Space Station Pack, Tokens and more. Here is the latest.....

via Hawk Wargames
We have had a lot of things happened since our last update, which we are aware was too long ago. Firstly, and not to draw this out any more, Wave 2.

We will be dispatching wave 2 of the Kickstarter over the next 2-3 weeks. This will be shipped by Royal Mail.

Wave 2 will include the following:

  • Poster Set
  • Signed Art Print 1
  • Signed Art Print 2
  • Signed Art Print 3
  • Acrylic Tokens Sets (6 colours) (produced in the UK by Dark Ops)
  • The Scourge Space Station Add-on Pack
  • From the above list, it is very clear that there is an obvious missing element; the Paper Map Sets.

Despite numerous attempts and worldwide efforts at printing these maps, we are unable to deliver these. They were originally specified with 2 printers (one as a back-up), but both decided after the project was completed and the maps were already allocated in many backers’ pledges, that they were unable to deliver on the exact sizes we required. This has been a big blow to us, and has caused the majority of the delay to the second wave going out. So it is with deep regret that we are going to finish the Kickstarter with the products we have managed to finalise – those in the above list.
However, you as backers, have put your money into the creation of this project, and into the creation of these maps, so it would be completely unfair for us to not have them available. Therefore, we are taking the following 3 steps.

Step 1. Credit:
We are offering every backer who paid for a map set, equal credit on what they spent to purchase anything through the Hawk Wargames Website. This includes the Admirals who will get the full KS selling price. We are finalising the process to best handle this and will be sending out an update once the second wave has been despatched with how you will be receiving your codes.
Additionally, we will be crediting every single free Radar map that was – with £5 for each free map they should have received, which again can be used against any product on the Hawk Wargames website.

Step 2. The Designs:
We will then be posting up the maps so that you can download them and get them printed yourselves or with your local printer. We will create them so that have bleed, so that any printer company who prints large format, or digitally, should be able to print them off for you if you haven’t got the facilities yourself to do so. These will be available to download and will not be limited.
Step 3. Playing on Maps:
We are happy for any manufacturer of playing mats to take these open source files and make them for sale in their respective regions. Overseas postage can be prohibitive for these items so allowing everyone access means somebody close to you should be able to make them.

We are aware that there are a number of missing parts requests still to be sent out. We have a team working on these over the next few weeks alongside the Wave 2 team, so that hopefully these will be fully dispatched in the next few weeks.
We are aware that there are a few missing pledges still:

There are a handful of pledges that have just never arrived with backers, or that have been mislaid by our couriers, or unfortunately missed in the packing process and still have not been resolved. We would request that anyone who has not let us know yet about your pledge, to contact us. Those who have, we have got you on our lists, and this will be being resolved in the next few weeks along with our Missing parts despatches.

Despite our couriers refusing to take any packages for Russia, and the postal system having lost every single package we have sent so far, we have now finally found a reliable solution for shipping. These few packages will be being identified and shipped out in the next few weeks via one of our retail partners. We are sorry for the delays to these orders.
Finally, and though it has been said before, we are working on presenting a plethora of things that we had hoped to get out to you all before now – Scenarios, Special Unit Stats, Painting guides and more. You will hear a lot more about this in the next update.
Thank you for reading this update, and we look forward to being able to finish getting Wave 2 out to all of you who are waiting on the remainder of what you pledged for.

Kind regards
The Hawk Wargames Team
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