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The Endtimes is getting lots of hints to come in the new book Khaine. Games Workshop has been leaving these all week on 'What's New Today, and this morning is no different.

Today's secret message is......
The bloody-handed god walks the world once more. The prophecy must be fulfilled.

Here is a link to the latest What's New Today to see the latest secret message for the Endtimes.
Just highlight the bottom space at the bottom of the article to see it for yourself.'s-New-Today-from-the-White-Dwarf-Team/2014/11/13/It-s-feeding-time

Here are all three messages from this week in order.
The flames await the phoenix, but the dragon stands against him.
The cast of players will assume their roles. Only through their sacrifice will Isha’s children be saved.
The bloody-handed god walks the world once more. The prophecy must be fulfilled.

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