Only available while stocks last, and only two of each per order, Games Workshop has released small format codices for several armies. Th...
Only available while stocks last, and only two of each per order, Games Workshop has released small format codices for several armies. Th...
There are some changes coming to the Blood Angels with the new codex, and the first information on some of these are coming in. This has ...
This video shows off some new artwork as well as a real good look at the two new models in Shield of Baal Deathstorm. Its an excellent ...
There are quite a few items missing off of the Games Workshop site for Blood Angels. Of course this could very well indicate that we are ...
Blood Angels Datacards are going up for pre-orders next week with 7 psychic powers. Tonight we get to take a look at the first one, the ...
Shield of Baal Deathstorm is now up for pre-orders, and with it comes two new models; Captain Karlean of the Blood Angels and the Spawn ...
Exterminatus was a rumored name that many of us thought was the next release the for the Shield of Baal campaign, which ended up being De...
We have had no word yet of any special characters coming for the new Blood Angels codex, and it would be odd not to get any (although it ...
Smaug is coming. To be able to field him in some sort of game would just be a ton of fun. Im not sure how often this would happen, but a ...
Its now becoming quite common knowledge that the Blood Angel codex, Tacticals, and Smaug are coming next week. The leaks are out, and ver...
The Horus Heresy Book Four – Conquest is now up for pre-orders from Forgeworld. The book details out the Solar Auxilia and the background...
While we know that this is not coming next week, the following week is still open to possibilities, and there is word of a new Terminator...
The images are starting to come out, and now we have a full release of next week's releases to check out. Its a big list, and there a...
It is all official now, as we are seeing leaked images of the next White Dwarf appear. On the cover is shows off the new Blood Angel Tac...
Being Black Friday and the beginning of the last week of the Fallen Frontiers kickstarter, Scale Games is giving away free items at each ...
The Shield of Baal: Deathstorm boxset is now up for pre-orders. its the second installment of the Shield of Baal campaign, coming with 25...
The End Times has really driven Warhammer Fantasy these last few months, and as we approach a new edition rumored to be in May, there ar...
There is lots of questions about the new bases, as leaked images have shown Death Company, Carnifex, and new Broodlord on different sized...
This is really fun, as the latest has us seeing a new Blood Angel Codex, Tacticals, Sanguinary Priest, and wait for it.......... Smaug. Y...
While we have all heard that the licensing for the Hobbit will run out 2016, it will not be the end of the models as it appears that the...
I am a big fan of gaming retreats, and now for European gamers the first of its kind, The Kings of the North 2015 is available. The even...
Tonight we have some Dark Eldar to highlight for What's On Your Table.
It wasnt long ago that a few items vanished from the Forgeworld site without notice, and I was receiving lots of emails from readers aski...
I made a post earlier that had an incorrect link on it regarding signing up for the Games Workshop Digital Editions newsletter. I want t...
Today is a Holiday here in the US, and its time for us to eat Turkey, visit with family, and have a good time around the table. Stay safe...
The Curse of Khaine by Gav Thorpe was just released, and the information coming out of the book is filtering in. This book that will chan...
The Warhammer News App today featured a free digital supplement from Games Workshop Digital, if you sign up for the GW Digital Edition...
The first release for the Shield of Baal campaign sold out extremely fast, and a lot of people were left in the dark. We have seen a pus...
The Faeit 212 BlogExchange has been going now for almost almost 4 years, and hundreds of sites and blogs are on the Exchange. Its a great...
The artwork and models is very much how I got into Dark Age, and now there are some new sculpts and artwork being worked on that Mr. Bla...
No more leaks needed, as this very much shows everything you need to see before the weekend's release of the magazine and the pre-ord...
There has been a lot of great things showing up on the Faeit 212 Community News site, and to show off the latest Kickstarters, Contests,...
Quite the cool customized Warboss, and a massive one at that.
Fallen Frontiers has a kickstarter out that is about half way through, and the game looks very interesting right from the start and the ...
There is a whole new set of leaked images from this coming Weekend's White Dwarf making its rounds. The New Releases are revealed, ...
There is some more information coming about the rumored 9th edition Warhammer Fantasy release coming later early to mid 2015. Some of the...
Its almost that time for the Christmas season to kick off as December nears. Some deals out there, and Hawk Wargames a few days back laun...
Here is the results of a 9 month project working on an Eldar Phantom Titan with two Revenants.
With no codex release yet, there has been a lot of talk about what the Blood Angels codex week will look like. According to the latest, t...
The End Times has pushed the popularity button on Warhammer Fantasy, and there has been some talk about how this will translate when a 9t...
There are some images now spreading around the internet, showing off the book contents of this week's pre-orders Shield of Baal: Dea...
There are some leaked images now floating around on the forums revealing the contents of the End Times: Khaine sold out book release. Th...
Information on a new Tactical Squad box came in, and from the this it appears that the new rumored tactical squad may just be new packagi...
A custom Avenger Strike Fighter is up to start off the week's What's On Your Table.
This weekend was extremely busy, rumors, articles, and the new site. With everything going on, I had missed hard on wrapping up last wee...
A new Tactical Blood Angels Marines box has been seen, and with it possibly some Grav Weapons and heavy flamers. Perhaps the Blood Angels...
A new site called the Faeit 212 Community News was launched this last week. If you have not had a chance to head over there and check o...
The Lord of the Ring books are soon to return with two Battle of Five Armies books. This is the second part of the conversation with Ste...