Forgeworld Open Day is March 30th, and with that there is a lot going on at in their studios. In fact, today on their blog Forgeworld revealed that they are going to reveal a new Super-Heavy Space Marine tank alongside a new Mechanicum Vehicle. That will be an impressive day.

If you are interested in tickets, and happen to be blessed enough to live on that side of the world, here is a link to the event information. The rest of us will just watch with envy and careful eyes to see what new items are coming.

via Forgeworld Blog #8
a mighty warrior from the Horus Heresy will be unveiled and a new Mechanicum vehicle will roll out of the Forge World manufactorum. I've also seen some more brand new Realm of Battle Industrial boards and caught sight of what Phil Stutcinskas has been busy working away on – a mightily impressive behemoth in the form of a new super-heavy Space Marine tank.
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