Finally we are seeing the Lion El' Jonson of the Dark Angels go live. Alongside the miniature is the Horus Heresy Book 9- Crusade, featuring the Dark Angels and one of my personal favorites- The Night Lords.

Also dice for every Legion  (Geezus the prices went crazy this month?)


Lion El'Jonson – Primarch of the Dark Angels Legion $131
The Horus Heresy Book 9- Crusade $131
Horus Heresy legion Dice $31

I did not see that price tag coming for the dice. 20 dice. 19 dice with the legion markings and 1 scatter die. The cost of Primarchs is going drastically up as well. Wow. Luckily this Primarch is not on my list to get.

Check this out on prices....... of previous primarchs

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