A Huge Epic Set of Rumors- UPDATED

Here is a huge Epic Set of rumors that detail out model sets and how the game will be released. An updated section at the bottom.…
Rumors: Epic, Old World, and Gothic

Some rumors coming through this Mormon that will make 2023 a great year if they all pan out. …
The Lion Awakens
New Edition Warhammer 40k Announced

The new Edition of Warhammer 40k is coming, what will it bring? Check it out. …
Rumors: Epic Warhammer Intel (What to Expect)

Epic Warhammer- The Horus Heresy is where we are headed for Epic Warhammer. All of this is rather logical and gives us some insight into what we will get out of the game.…
Epic Warhammer Rumor- Official Announcement for the Game is Coming

Here is something that many people would love to see come out. It also appears the announcement is coming very soon.....…
Official Reveal! Commander Dante
Commander Dante Leak
New 40k Boarding Patrols Coming Soon

These were revealed yesterday. Boarding Patrols coming for the Adepta Sororitas, the Adeptus Custodes, and the Thousand Sons.…
A New Threat in Warhammer 40,000

Something new is coming.Through the gloom of the Great Rift, we have intercepted a mysterious psychic transmission. Patching you through now……
Printer's Corner March Releases- New Featured Section

March is here and wow is it a great line up for the 3d Printer Wargamers here. I have added a couple new Patreons to this list this month as some of my favorite miniature companies have moved into the 3D printing realm! I've also added a new section called Featured Releases, see what that is all abo…
Vashtorr's Datasheet and Rules Revealed

Vashtorr is coming this weekend in the new boxset release Wrath of the Soul Forge King. Here is his datasheet and Army of Reknown.…
Azrael Gets a New Datasheet

Azrael is one of the most iconic characters from the Dark Angels whom has a new model available in the Wrath of the Soul Forge King boxed set going to preorder this weekend. …
Very Big 40k and Horus Heresy Week

There is quite the line up coming this weekend with a great looking boxset for Warhammer 40k, Wrath of the Soul Forge King, the next Arks of Omen: Vashtorr, and a full line up of Boarding Patrols that will lead to most people looking at this week for something they might want. Don't forget the Horus…
New Reveals: Warhammer World Open Day
Heresy Thursday- Despoiler Upgrade Kits

Horesy Thursday gives us Despoiler Upgrade kits to arm your sergeants and despoiler squads with chainswords and pistols. …
Mierce Miniatures Goes Digital!
Another great miniature company goes digital and now has a monthly Patreon. Mierce Miniatures has such a cool set of miniatures that I have always loved but literally could not afford to pick up all that I want. I do have some of their minatures and always been a fan. Now with them going digital we …