Necrons are coming and with a preview from WarCom we are getting a look into the new Necron Codex.…
Necrons are coming and with a preview from WarCom we are getting a look into the new Necron Codex.…
Crusade gameplay may become quite popular and to jump right in and see what the Space Marine Codex will bring to it is a new preview from WarCom…
In a few short hours 3D Patreons will be up for the month and gone. So if any of these have your attention its best to get them now to start creating your own 3D print Library!Remember that the miniature files you get are around $10 for the each of these. Amazing values.October is right around the …
A look at the Dynasties and their Rules coming with the new Necron Codex coming out this Saturday…
A very cool Kickstarter is about to end for a tremendous amount (tables worth) of 3D printable terrain. This would allow you to create a table worth of terrain incredibly inexpensively with tons of flexible options for gaming. Definitely worth getting now... even if you are just planning on getting…
Necrons are right around the corner coming to pre-orders this weekend! Lets take a look at the rules for the Silent King in this new preview from WarCom…
Adeptus Titanicus new expansion coming soon...... the Crucible of Retribution…
Get Involved and show us What's On Your Table: Submit up to 8 images or a short video to natfka@live.comBeen a hot minute since I last sent in something. Here are a few shots of my ever-growing Judge Dredd Miniature Collection. The newer plastics are by Warlord Games, whilst the apes are old 1980's…
Heroes Infinite has an amazing set of Halloween releases for their Patreon subscribers. Check out these amazing releases. Really loving the witches and Pumpkin Riders...... Just wow. Watch the video.…
Warlord Games is expanding the Warlords of Erehwon into a different genre taking us to the Mythic Americas with Tribal Nations and Aztec Warbands. These went live over the weekend…
Some crazy good Patreon releases from the Makers Cult this month. You get all of these Stl files for the Month of October + there are just a couple days left to get in on September's releases.One thing to remember is that the Makers Cult has two releases per month. That makes them quite crazy on the…
This week's prices are in for both the US/CA and Euros…
It's the last 24 hours of this Kickstarter making it an excellent chance to jump in before its gone.A new Kickstarter by Studiopack giving you the ultimate way to get your tabletop wargames portable to just about anywhere you can play.…
A preview taking a look at what is inside the new codex coming this weekend to pre-orders.…
Get Involved and show us What's On Your Table: Submit up to 8 images or a short video to natfka@live.comMy Dark Angel Army as it stands now.…
New Fey Class Preview: AvatarWe have shown several 2nd Age weapons for the upcoming Genesys Project releases previously and today we are delving into the classes found in the books. Lets start with the obvious here, yes there are new additional classes in the 2nd and 3rd Ages of the game for all Do…
This is an awesome edition of the magazine and I have spent a lot of time this morning looking through not only volume 3 but also the previous two editions. This is an excellent magazine loaded with so much on our hobby. Definitely check it out.…
We will finally get a chance to see what will be the new standard for 9th edition codexes with pre-orders going live next weekend for both Space Marines and Necrons. It will be a big weekend with so much going up on the pre-order pages!…
New Pre-Orders are up that include New Missions for Crusade and Chapter Approved Tactical Deployment. …
A Particle weapon is a fusion of craftsmanship, technology, and arcane knowledge that is able to focus either Light and Dark matter into a lethal weapon. Particle weapons can be used as a ranged weapon in the form of a Particle Lance, or as a Melee Particle Weapon (taking many forms). …
These really are some of the best goblins around and they won't cost ya more than a Forgeworld Titan to get a horde of them! Mantic hits it out of the park with their new army additions for Kings of War.…
Holy Moly. Got to love this one, of course who doesn't dream of owning one of these guys. Pre-orders are up.…
Holy elephant. What an amazing reward and wishing I was in line to get this already. However, it will be on my list to reach for. Essentially Loyalty Rewards are given out on some Patreons and for Hereos Infinite there is a 3 month reward..... which I just got! and then the 6 month reward which was…
Get Involved and show us What's On Your Table: Submit up to 8 images or a short video to natfka@live.comWhile it’s not 40k, I was recently commissioned to paint up the pieces to the board game Scythe. Fun job with tons of minor details. Hope the community enjoys the work.…
HeroQuest is coming in a crowdfunding sort of way but has already passed its marks for raising the money to produce the game. https://heroquest.avalonhill.com/en-us…
Drop Troopers are coming in one week for the month of October! Most excellent and cannot wait to get my hands on these guys. Loving the new helmets.We have not yet seen the full reveal, but looking forward to it.Anvil Industries Digital Forge Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/anvildigitalforge…
A preview this morning of the new Mission pack coming to pre-orders this weekend.…
The Sons of Behemat Battletome is coming soon. Nice to get a little lore and background! Love the artwork.…
Titan Forge Miniatures Patreon Review: There are a great number or really great Patreons that you can sign up for to get your miniature STL files for a great price and really support the artists that are putting them out. Lets take a look at one of my favorites, Titan Forge Miniatures.Titan Forge Mi…
It's That Time Again with so much going on in our lives that the What's On Your Table series is light on submissions. Get yours in now to be right at the head of the line-up. Here are a couple images from our long 10+ year series "What's On Your Table"…
Artisan Guild is the largest and most popular of the 3D Printing Patreons out there with a good history of putting out fun and exciting work. Here is their October Release!Absolutely love modular designs as it allows you to do some fun and creative customizations!…
Cyber Forge has their October Patreon release up for a preview. It looks like a solid one with the bikes being modular. …
This is interesting in that it allows you to have an effect on terrain in your battles. I can recall several times in events getting completely terrain screwed by odd tables to the point of not even being able to field my army (had to put a lot of it in reserve). Will this help remedy those situati…
Its a little ways off yet but getting a chance to see what is coming for Necrons is a good thing. Here is a codex preview from WarCom…
Get Involved and show us What's On Your Table: Submit up to 8 images or a short video to natfka@live.comWutchunga!I’ve been meaning to send these in for a while now. The small force is coming together nicely (in my humble opinion). I haven’t decided on a basing technique yet, but I think I’ll save…
A lot of thought and on-board testing has been done to more fully capture what a sniper rifle is capable of. So at Genesys Games our playtesters sat down (many months ago) to make certain that we had a grasp on just how Sniper Rifles would work for The Genesys Project.So what is a sniper rifle reall…
What is it? It appears that Warlord Games is partnering up with Mythicos Studios for an new range of miniatures and possibly a new game? Lets see what Warlord Games had to say this morning.…
It another filler type of week with Mission Packs, Terrain, and Battlezones. However being a 40k filler week is always a good thing! …
This Week's Rumour Engine looks like it may have something to do with secrets....via Warcom (a hint here for Tzeentch forces?)Was the Rumour Engine created by man to show us models from the future, or did it create us so it had someone to share its secrets with? …
What is a Battlezone? Its a new concept for this edition to create thematic battles each with their own collection of terrain. The first one is coming to pre-orders this weekend…
I don't think we had seen this one and above all else those Incursor Knives are -1 AP? Whoa.…
Get Involved and show us What's On Your Table: Submit up to 8 images or a short video to natfka@live.comNot miniatures, but a wargame side project.Since 9th edition of 40K came out, I thought about a way to do without pen and paper to count my victory points during a game.I created an Android app t…
It's a big week for 40k with Mission Packs + complete table's worth of terrain for your games. Not to mention Forgeworld is jumping in with some great additions as well. …
Warhammer Risk is available now to add to your collection of Warhammer board games. In this one each color is a different army type, Space Marines, Chaos Space Marines, Orks, Eldar, and Genesystealer Cults.…
The Genesys Project is bringing modern and far future warfare to the tabletop in November. The launch will include two new books; the Revelations of Genesys 2nd Age and Exodus of Genesys 3rd Age. The first thing that gamers will notice is the high attention to weapons to really bring in the fun.Here…